
Responses from brooksl

Does anyone use Lamm M1.1's in their system now?
Tpsonic and AudioFederation, have either of you heard the Tenor hybrids? I am considering the stereo 150. After reading this thread, it seems that I should also be considering the Lamm. Any thought on how the two compare would be helpful. Thanks. 
Transports under $1K
Bob, I think I saw the number cruncher listed for sale, too. Is the G&D still in production? 
Experience with Sony SACD as transports or other?
When I was reading old posts on Audio logic, I saw that RCPrince has a Jerry Ozment modified Sony. You may want to email him. 
Cary 308T volume control question
I was told by Kevin at Upscale Audio and Guy Hamel at Placette Audio that it should be turned up all the way to minimize its effect on the sound. I do not know if this alters the tube life. 
Transports under $1K
I saw a G&D Transforms transport listed in the pre-owned section of the Chambers Audio website. Although, I remember it listed at quite a bit over $1,000. You can always make an offer. If you worked out an agreeable price, I bet JTinn would sh... 
cd player with volume control
I have seen a Cary 308-T for as low as $1,250. It has an analog volume conrol 
Transports under $1K
The vecteur transport is supposed to be quite good. I saw one a few weeks ago here for qbout $650. 
New hum in preamp power supple and BPT 3.5 ???
The circuit I am using now is 15 amps. I have been meaning to install dedicated lines. This problem inspires me to do them now. Thanks for your help, guys. 
New hum in preamp power supple and BPT 3.5 ???
Sugarbrie, the BPT 3.5 is a balanced power line conditioner. There are dimmer switches but the hum exists with those lights on or off. 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
"Tempted" by Squeeze for those with a whole lotta lovin goin on 
New ACME outlet sounds worse
I had never considered putting the outlet on a refrig.. That is a clever idea, Lak. I will do that with another ACME. Then, I will swap them in a couple of weeks. Brian, I guess I will be making a trip to Ace. Thanks. Dedicated Audio, thanks for p... 
Sophia Electric 845 - Any heard it?
Bob, Thanks a lot for looking up the Merlin info.. I really appreciate it. It seems that they would work. However, I would think that for dynamic passages of music they might run out of steam. It doesn't seem like there would be much of a reserve ... 
What do Oil Caps do and how do they effect sound?
I will look up your report Bombawalla. Thanks Nguyenchiro. 
Merlin VSM Mil. Bass
Thank you all for your reassurance. I will give it time to settle in. 
New ACME outlet sounds worse
Thanks guys. I will examine my connections. I did tighten the screws pretty tightly. I will see if there is any damage from oevertightening. How do i check polarity? I moved one wire at a time fromthe old outlet to the new. So, unless the outlets ...