
Responses from brf

Dealers hijacking the discussions
Audio is just a hobby/past-time for me, therefore, I try and keep things in perspective and don’t get worked up about insignificant issues. Also, I don't need anyone to censor content, I am more than capable if doing that myself based on my person... 
Which do I keep?
Why not just keep the amp that sounds the best?  
Which do I keep?
The one that sounds the best.  Is this a trick question? 
Are tuners still popular
Internet streaming tuners have relegated my analog tuner to my basement storage to keep my cassette deck company.  
Always long for (upgraded) first love: Sonic Frontiers Line 3
@goldeneardoc, as a former owner of a Line 3 who then had it upgraded all the way to the SE plus status, plus I rolled countless number of tubes in all positions, the Line 3 retains it original character as you follow the upgrade path as a very ve... 
Why do turntables sound different?
@lostbears, take a spl meter and measure the acoustic energy in the corner, you will be very surprised how much energy is concentrated in the corner compared to other locations in your room 
Why do turntables sound different?
@lostbears I have my turntable in the corner on the opposite side of the room from my speakers. It sits on a 3" maple block which sits on a VPI turntable stand filled with sand. I have all my front end equipment in that corner as far from the spe... 
Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?
Assuming you are running fully balanced, you can change out the tubes in 2 steps. 1,2,4,5 as a matched quad and 3 and 6 as a matched pair.  
Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?
The best tube compliment/combination will vary based on the mode of operation.If single ended from input to single ended output, you only need to concern yourself with tube positions #1 and #2.If you are running single ended inputs to balanced ou... 
Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?
What you have described does not sound like worn out tubes.  As tubes age, dynamics become compressed and the highs roll off.  Perhaps the changes to your system is now allowing the tubes to show their true colours, but that is pure speculation.  ... 
My experience with Galen Carol Audio
+1 marktomaras, classy move  
Stylus force digital scales
All physically true, but, does it matter? The optimal VTF for any given cartridge is an unknownI agree, I only use the stylus force gauge to set the vtf at the manufacture's recommended force and then perform fine adjustments by ear.  Personally,... 
Stylus force digital scales
Lewm, I believe we are saying the same thing if I replace force of gravity "on an abject" with force vector. An object perpendicular to the earth’ surface will experience only one force vector. Anything other than perpendicular, results in more th... 
Stylus force digital scales
@nrenter wrote The only change in the vertical force vector is as the stylus is raised vertically is due to the change in gravitational force as you move [mm to cm] further away from the center of gravity, and therefore the force of gravity c... 
Audio Power Industries Power Wedge 16
The API 16 provides transformer based isolation for each individual outlet, therefore, it can be current limiting if you exceed the rated input.  It did a decent job in its day, especially if used with front end equipment with low power requiremen...