
Responses from bpwalsh

DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??
Yssl (Yujean Kang, Tangram Audio), these forums are not for unsolicited promotion of product lines one distributes or sells. Sorry to play net cop and nothing personal, but someone would say something eventually...usually done by Audiofeil, the re... 
The best phono stage out there?
To a degree the stylus profile will affect the level of audible surface noise, as well as how well the cartridge is aligned, especially azimuth. 
Audio Research Ref: CD8
To say that I had to pry their jaws off of the carpet is an understatement.How many times have I heard "jaw dropping" hype like this before? ARC churns out upgrades as fast as anybody. 
Emerald Physics: Same as the Quads in the fifties?
No. Even today Quads are matched or bettered by very few loudspeakers in the midrange. Not to downplay the Emerald products, but if they were as remarkable as the Quads you would see a lot more press coverage. If you really like them, and only an ... 
Best Phono Stage within 2000 $
Tvad wrote:What specifically is different about the bearing in the Feickert arm versus the Jelco?Regular Jelco tonearms make use of a tip bearing in the vertical axis, whereas the Feickert runs on a special type of ball bearing. This improves bass... 
Best Phono Stage within 2000 $
Robm1, your information on the Feickert version of the Jelco arm is correct. Although similar in appearance to the standard Jelco arm, it is made exclusively for Feickert to their specifications and uses a different bearing design.Feickert dealer. 
NO CES Updates???
Golden_ears, I don't disagree with you regarding casual attendees - I was one myself for years. The $100 fee was only for people registering late, which I think went up to $200 after Jan. 1st. At that rate it would be a consideration for those who... 
NO CES Updates???
Golden_ears, I don't know about the preregistration fee you mention but think it would discourage casual attendees. As a dealer it probably wouldn't change my plans, since seeing people and products is important. As a consumer I might think twice.... 
Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k
Arwp, in your budget range by careful selection you can get a no compromise analog system that is within a hair's breadth of absolute state of the art. Again, I wouldn't even think about buying anything in this price range without an audition and ... 
Best Turntable/arm/cartridge system for $30k
Arwp, in their day the Accuphase 100/101 were virtually undeniably state of the art. Today there are better digital sources, including some which provide very enjoyable redbook performance, albeit not at the same level as great vinyl.I agree with ... 
DCS Puccini and/or Soulution 740 players? Anyone??
Back on topic, there is a discussion thread in the amp/preamp/controller forum about the Soulution 710 amplifier on avguide.com in which the Soulution 740 is mentioned favorably. 
Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?
Mrt, perhaps you'd care to explain your comment, "can someone explain why there is such an emphasis upon resolution as a criterion in cable selection ?" I don't see anyone saying that above. While I agree that resolution by itself cannot be an ind... 
Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?
Hi Des -It's true about the mirrored pair. Go figure :)See you at CES? Mail me.Brian 
Big Karan amps
Optarchie, the M1200s are $57k the pair. The M650s are $38.5k.I had a KA S450 ($28.5k) here for a while and would like to get one. It drove the Sound Labs effortlessly. 
Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?
The distributor is Avatar Acoustics who can refer you to your nearest dealer, whom you can contact to audition them in your system before purchasing.