
Responses from bpwalsh

looking to audition Running Springs P C--
Very good idea to audition first. Sad to hear about RS's fate. I was thinking seriously of carrying them until someone mentioned another product that quickly replaced his Dmitri once he heard it. I have one of those now and am breaking it in.Brian @ 
Should I retip a Shinon red, or replace it? $350
Evan, remember a few months ago you were scratching your head about what to do with the rebuilt cartridge because the sound was bad. No more. Glad I fixed that :-)Brian 
DAC Accustics Art - Ayon CD5S - AMR DAP 777
As a former Reimyo dealer I had the CDP-777 here, and it was wonderful. Reimyo stopped making them because the transports they were using were no longer available. I brought in the AMR CD-77 which was new to the market, which has had some evolutio... 
Abbingdon Music Research gold fuses ???
They are $20 each. I use some here to good effect, and so have my customers. 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
For those who feel that SR should repair these old used cables for free, not to mention covering the return shipping, imagine how you would feel if you were expected to work for free. When the shoe is on the other foot your perspective changes qui... 
Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher
You got that right, Agear. Dale seems more organized and responsive than years ago, when it would appear that Lrsky dealt with him. In my own experience in recent years Dale has been fine to work with, no undue delays or lack of communication. I h... 
After Quad ESL's?
I've had several ESLs through the years, from Acoustat 2+2s, Audiostatics, Quad 57s, and Sound Labs. The Quads and the Sound Labs are the best of the genre; I have been a Sound Lab dealer for several years. Wanting a smaller speaker line, I recent... 
Hornguys, your post raises some questions.- Specifically, what model(s) of cables did you audition? Were they the current Mk II version, which are a substantial improvement over Mk I? Teo Audio has offered free upgrades of Mk I cables for my custo... 
Jim (Hornguys), the products speak for themselves. That I've sold quite a few, including several sets of speaker cables, demonstrates that some feel they are well worth it. You'll be hearing a lot more from Teo Audio. 
Joncourage, a 1m pair of balanced (XLR) Standard Mk II interconnects retails for $4200. 
Joncourage: Yes, some retailers offer home trials, much as I have done with Klinerm. Please feel free to contact me for info.Brian773-809-4434 
Azimuth observations and importance
Lloydc: Probably not. I use foil tape when necessary. 
Your jaw dropping cables
Musicallyinclined, it was said tongue in cheek. They are expensive: a 2m pair of Standard are $16k, while a 2m pair of ParaHelios (Reference) are $28k. Longer lengths are a lot more. One of my customers had this to say:"Well, I knew it was a mista... 
Has anyone had any luck in contacting Dale Pitcher
Yes, I spoke with him recently. You are welcome to email me for his contact info.Brian@ 
Your jaw dropping cables
Hornguys, regarding your point #2, actually the Teo Audio Standard Mk II balanced interconnects are $4200 for 1m and $11,000 for 3m respectively. Jawdropping for sure, but don't want to exaggerate :) The RCA single ended versions are less, and the...