
Responses from bostonbean

Review: Elrod Power Systems Gold Statement Power Cord Power cord
It has been a bit over a month since I added 3 Elrod Gold Statement power cords to my system. Two were used on my BAT REX control and power units, the third on my BAT cd player. This is in addition to my Elrod Silver Statement pc on my Spectron am... 
Dream speakers and amp for an 11x14 room?
I have the Gallo's and love them but I have found that they need to be well away from the walls for optimal imaging. Regarding bass you could place them with the side firing woofer facing inwards helping to make the sidewalls less a factor. 
Short List of the Best 20K Speakers
How about the new Gallo 5LS speakers? Tall, small foot print. Anybody heard them yet? 
speaker cable for Gallo Reference 3.1's
There are no cables that I know of that work better with the 3.1's than any others that are out there. Just do some research and decide what you want to spend and get what you need. Whatever you decide to purchase will probably be to your liking. 
USHER BE-20 + Spectron Musician III MK2
The Joule/Spectron is a known combination and is considered by many to be ideal. The Spectron amp does take awhile to fully break-in...ideally a 1000 hours. If you can swing it I would highly recommend the V-cap and Bybee upgrades. That would be t... 
BAT stand by mode question
If you only use the cd player every few weeks turn it completely off between uses. 
Elrod Statement Gold PC compared to old Statement
Received 3 Elrod Gold Statement power cords on Tuesday. I plugged them into my BAT REX power and control units along with my BAT VK-D5SE cd player. From those components I plugged the power cords straight into my wall outlets. These cords are in a... 
BAT stand by mode question
I keep my BAT pre-amp in standby mode. If you are using everyday I would suggest this is the way to go. My understanding is that most tube wear is from starting up from completion shut downs. Plus system warmup is quicker from standby mode. Your e... 
Elrod Statement Gold PC compared to old Statement
Strapper, I know I would very much like to hear your impressions of the Elrod ic's. 
Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?
Here is the levitation device review Simon mentioned. Pretty much sums it up., The MKII would be an excellent upgrade for your system. Along with the V-caps consider the Bybee upgrades. 
Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?
Oscar44, yes, those are the devices.Snopro, I have wondered the same. Ask Simon, he would best answer your question. Let us know what he says. By the way, beautiful setup you have.Koiman, One set of 4. They are relatively inexpensive. 
Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?
Each device is two magnets with the same polarity facing each other forcing them apart. This causes the component to float hence "levitation". Each device is designed for a specific weight range. Couldn't tell you if these are any better or worse ... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Looks are in the eyes of the beholder. I like the looks, without the cover. The cover is ugly.The Gallo's are very transparent and they will pretty much reflect what the upstream components feed them. They will not make components sound better tha... 
Best Carver stereo solid state amplifier design
I have some old (20 years) Carver equipment I will give away if someone wants to come and get it. 2 amps, 1 preamp and a cassette player. Drop me an e-mail if interested. I am not shipping anything. If you want it come and get it. Don't know the m... 
The Best Tube Amplifiers vs Spectron ?
I believe emailist is right on the money. I have a Spectron amp with Gallo 3.1 speakers. Beautiful match. Would I use the Spectron amp with, for example, Wilson speakers...not sure. From what I have read BAT tube amps may be the way to go. I see m...