
Responses from bostonbean

Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?
Wow, you got those quick! I have a pair on order. I was told 3 weeks but maybe I'll get lucky. 
Spectron Mk II, is it really that good.
I have the MKII with both V-Cap and Bybee upgrades (I highly recommend both) and really love this amp. I found that the break-in time is lengthy but well worth the wait on the other end. 
Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?
Received the same e-mail. The cables look pretty cool. Asked Simon about the Neutrik connectors that the Spectron amp is built to accept and he explained to me that this was for the Remote Sense cables only and that the Remote Sense cable was good... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
Danmeyer, For crashing cymbals that will make you jump and kettle drums that will rattle the china then Mahler, symphonies 5-9, are the way to go. But, and this is a big but, Mahler is definitely an acquired taste and not everyones cup of tea. If ... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
Danmyers, Great write up on your Gallo experience. I have had mine for about 9 months now and they just get better and better sounding. I have found that they also love to be worked. When playing symphonic music, with all of it's dynamics, I play ... 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
Dopogue, Interesting and I am glad to hear the SET's are working for you. Here is an interesting quote from Mr. Gallo himself which I ripped from 6Moons. "As Srajan noted in his review, his 8wpc push/pull MiniMax tube amp can drive the Ref3s to sa... 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
Dopogue, Are you using the SA amp? 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
I have the Gallo 3.1's and love them. I have never listened to the PSB's. Regarding your front end equipment the Gallo's do like power. 
Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?
I have been told that Simon has left Spectron and is now with Joule-Electra. I suppose now the new Marianne pre-amp will be the premier pre-amp, at least according to Simon who will now be working for the company that is producing it. I am sure th... 
Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?
Dev, Believe it or not I am currently using Gallo 3.1's. I know, all of you are shaking your heads...all that expensive front end equpment for $3000 dollar speakers, but I actually love 'em. I am actually looking into the Wilson Sophia's but I am ... 
Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?
Chicago, I have the V-cap and Bybee upgrades and the sound coming out is mind blowingly wonderful. Regarding get in spades! I would strongly urge that you talk to Simon at Spectron and get his take of the two different options. Th... 
Tubed Pre match with a Spectron Musician IIISE?
Awww, come on Dob...give us another hint. Just one more, please? 
Tubed Pre match with a Spectron Musician IIISE?
Simon, from Spectron, mentioned this new, soon to come out, mysterious pre-amp to my hi-fi guy but wouldn't give out any specifics. I will be in the market soon for a new pre-amp for my Spectron amp and I am dying to find something out about this ... 
Beatles Without George Martin?
Shadorne, I am total agreement regarding Krall. She is the most overrated singer I have ever heard. Diane Schuur is a gazillion times better but she is big and fat so doesn't get the same notoriety. 
Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?
What does an audiophile do when he has it all but is still desperately looking for something to tweek or upgrade? I believe that you, my friend, are at that point of an audiophile's life.