
Responses from boomerbillone

B&W 802 D2 Capacitors Worth Upgrading?
Hello NYEV!  I have never failed to get a serious improvement by replacing crossover capacitors. I have tried many serious brands. I like the Mundorf KRP series. They sound better than Solens, Auricaps, and several others. Replace any electrolytic... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
Hello TANNOY56!  If you have Tannoys, you're used to high efficiency speakers. Three cheers for you! You can use those gloriously liquid low watt tube amps and annoy the neighbors. Imagine a 104 db sensivity speaker vs a 94 db spl and a 84 db spl ... 
recommendations for buying used balanced integrated or power amp 2k range?
Hello Audio Canada!  For LESS than $2000 you can have Starke Sound's latest version of their 200 wpc (four channels, bridgeable to stereo for huge power) named the Fiera 4.  It sounds better to me than the well reviewed Puri-Fi Audio modules that ... 
After the thrill is gone
If one has to choose between details and dynamics, I'll take details.  
Rogue Pharoah II
I am getting excellent performance with Emotiva 5 channel amps and  and Starke AD4-320 power amps in the two channel mode. Both of these are power amps. Be sure your speaker cables can handle high current.  
Will rebuilt Quad ESL 57s take the place on a great $30K dynamic speaker?
Hello mglik!  Adding a subwoofer will give you dynamics in the lower musical spectrum. All the panel speakers lack dynamic fireworks (but they sing so clear and detailed!). I've used mono and stereo subs with Maggies of verious kinds since  the la... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
It's true that a really fine system will reveal all the flaws in a poor recording. It's good to concetrate on the music and not the "sound."  We keep improving our systems so that when we do get a good recording, it ia a genuine treat! Keep Smili... 
Best Stereo Upgrade Value
Believe it or not, ny best "Bang for the buck" improvement was a $150 USB cable. Almost everything I listen to goes thru that cable. The difference is huge. Try one from Wireworld, Furuteck, or Zavfino.  
DAC diminishing returns
Hello dsfreeh!  If you have tried a few DACs and not noticed much of a difference between them, start with a good USB cable. I have found this to be the most "difference making" cable in my systems. It is quite critical. You don't have to pay a fo... 
Line Array VS Traditional Box Speakers, Why not just get the line array ?
The equipment used for making music is different from the equipment used for reproducing music. A musician's gear is for producing a sound suitable for his/her performance. It is for creating sound. Reproduction equipment must be able to duplicate... 
Class D Integrated Amplifier Recommendations.
Hello juanmanuelfangioii. I heartily recommend the Starke Sound AD4-320. I own seven of them! The are very reasonably priced. They are very flexible being 4 channel amps with built-in switching to operate as a stereo amp with over 300 wpc. They ha... 
Speaker cutting out intermittently
It is possible that some very fine wires in the speaker cables have come loose on the + and - terminals causing them to touch each other and partiall "short out" the signal to the speaker. If your close vision is not top notch, use a bright lignt ... 
Was my friend given misinformation.
The salesman just wanted to make a sale. His advice was nonsense. Too bad.  
Daisy Chaining Speakers
Hello coolrekz.  If they are active speakers, you can connect them to your amp's preamp out or even tape out jacks (if your active speakers have a volume control. That would work well but you must have AC (wall outet) power available at the locati... 
Monstrous power cables
Hello Audiowebe. Have you ever watched a salesman present one of these thick, not-so-flexible cables to a male, particularly senior, potential customer? It's a psychodrama of the free enterprise kind. I spent an afternoon in a stereo emporium in t...