
Responses from bongofury

Anyone heard te Sony SS-AR1
Amazing. Brought three live soundboards and they recreated the sound note for note. One of the best speakers out there. My highest endorsement, equal to the best high pro speakers by ATC. Saw them at T.H.E.Show driven by Nelson Pass amps. I would ... 
ATC scm 19 vs ATC scm 20SL?
The only other speaker I have heard that match the ATCs are the new Sony speakers that grace the cover of the new Stereophile Magazine. Heard them at the T.H.E.Show in Newport two weeks ago and they were jaw-dropping beautiful, driven by Nelson Pa... 
ATC scm 19 vs ATC scm 20SL?
Agree with the last two postings. ATC speakers are somewhat unique in that they are very neutral and unforgiving, qualities that professional sound engineers value. I have owned many versions of this speaker, all the way up to the 150s. I presentl... 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Drive by REM 
ATC scm 19 vs ATC scm 20SL?
Will reflect the sonic signature, so it will color your music with a warm tubey glow. I can recommend their pre-amp or a Benchmark DAC1. 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Neil Young's Treasure. 
Hammond b-3 organ
"Groove" Holmes and Booker T had the B3 sound down cold. The new album by Booker T called Potato Hole is amazing!!!!!! 
Best female vocals on CD
Bebel is amazing. I also love Nara Leao and Monica Salmaso. 
It was 44 years ago that...
MontejayI have been in the concert biz for ages and we kind of hold up U2's Zoo Tour as the "Srgt. Pepper" of live tours for originality and scaling. 
It was 44 years ago that...
MacDadSorry to hear you are pulling up stakes!!!!! You got to stock up on those pecan pies from Goode!I also just had about the best steak ever in Houston last week at Churrascos. As for the Nirvana and Stevie, I totally agree. 
It was 44 years ago that...
Jay Z's The Black Album and Public Enemy's "It Takes a Nation" seemed like significant milestones in hip hop. Raw Power by Iggy was probably one of the more influential punk albums, along with the Ramone's debut. I think Stevie Wonder's Innervisio... 
Best Bike to ride before a good listening session
1950 paperboy. With a tank and headlights. 
It was 44 years ago that...
Exile on Main Street and London Calling blended genres better than any other albums. 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Love the new album Rome. Very atmospheric. Love the vox of Nora Jones on this. 
...and now a word from your anti-sponsor...
I think "real" is an off-putting word. When I was a kid, I enjoyed the best 60s bands on a 8 track and transistor radio. The bands were as real then as if I played them on my current system. I derived the same amount of listening pleasure. The son...