

Responses from bombaywalla

Anyone have experience with ElectroHarmonix tubes?
I have 12AX7EH in my pre. I like their sound very much. I'm sorry that I have no experience with 6922EH tubes. BTW, where did you purchase them from? How much? Just curious. Thanks! 
This might help you:-http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ddgtl&1059490592&read&keyw&zzupsamplingAlso, search these archives using keyword "upsampling" & there should be plenty of talk on this subject here on A'gon.FWIW 
does high end system need expensive speaker cable
Like Timo, I agree that more expensive cables does NOT imply better sonics &Like Inna, I agree that right now you don't know what your system is capable of. Just reading the list of components tells me that you *should* be able to create a gra... 
Monster M1500 IC How good are they?
Hi!I have Monster's M850i interconnect cables. Paid $90 or so for it. It's a very average cable - reasonable mids, bloated bass & rolled of highs. For less than $100 you can get some very nice cables from DH Labs - BL1 Series II. This is a sil... 
Goldring 1042 or Rega Exact
Stefanl,A. Conti of Bluenote 'tables????AFAIK, AJ Conti is of Basis 'tables & Mauricio Azerini (spelling?) is of Bluenote 'tables.BTW, I don't know that Basis made acrylic platters! None of them look like acrylic to me but I could be wrong! 
Goldring 1042 or Rega Exact
Mmowry,I'm pretty certain that the G1042 is a very good match for the RB300. Maybe others who also have experience w/ this cart. reading this thread can also chime in. Another suggestion for research is to go over to AudioAsylum.com & search t... 
Goldring 1042 or Rega Exact
Hi!I own a G1042 & use it on my Origin Live Silver 250. It is an excellent cartridge that is very well suited to ALL REGA arms. I'm sure that you know that the OL Silver 250 is a major modification to the Rega 250 tonearm?? I'm sure that the R... 
Top Audio Designers Of All Time?
I highly respect:Paul Klipsch - seminal work on horn speakersJulius Futterman - invention of the OTL power amps on which the venerable Atma-Sphere & Berning amps are based.There are many others but these 2 stand out IMHO. 
Moon Nova or Eclipse?
I have very limited experience w/ the Sim Audio Nova - my friend just bought a brand new unit 3 weeks ago. He's burning it in for 1000 hrs (he got this # from speaking to other Nova owners. Sim Audio told him 500 hrs, BTW). I have listened to the ... 
Survey-What is your most used source?
Turntable: 95% of the timeredbook CD player: 5% of the timeNo tuner, no cassette!! No complaints! 
What are the Ohm ratings? newbie
Robotman,I don't have any experience AT ALL with Spica speakers - let me make that very clear to you! Also my experience with NAD is very limited.My brother used to own NAD gear some time back & what I did notice was that despite the small cha... 
What are the Ohm ratings? newbie
Robotman,The 4 Ohms of your speaker is the effective resistance of the cross-over ckt (within it) as seen from the speaker binding post. The higher this eff. #, the easier it is for the amplifier to drive the speaker. The reason is that the amp. p... 
Poco "Legend" half-speed MFSL vinyl
Thanks guys for the feedback! Whew! You all have exonerated my system & my ears. Now I gotta figure out my game plan with this MFSL LP.There's so much hype surrounding various MFSL vinyl on many internet vinyl vendors & the way they advert... 
Best cartridge under $450? No Grados please
From my personal experience I would recommend the Goldring G1042 MM cartridge. It has a 6.5mV output & it really sounds excellent. Your present phono stage should work just fine with the G1042.Here's their website:-http://www.goldring.co.uk/Th... 
Phono Pickup Transformer - What's Good to Get?
Jcbach,As Ozzy62 rightly pointed out, I have the K&K Audio Lundahl transformer (LL9206) MC step-up. It is really excellent in its sonic performance. These are amorphous core xformers in a mu-metal shielded can. If you do some research on the I...