

Responses from bombaywalla

Question for Rowland aficionados
Maybe I can ask this question without hijacking Drubin's thread(!) :-Re. the new Model 201 monos: are they class-D power amps?? They are very light for 250W/ch! Plus, I don't see much heat-sinking fins on the chassis. Has any one of you JRDG afici... 
New Buddy Guy - "Blues Singer"
Surfgod,Thanks for that Buddy Guy reco to all of us. I must try to lay my hands on that. Do you know if it is available on vinyl?I have Buddy Guy's "I Left My Blues in San Fransisco" on vinyl. I can say that I'm very disappointed by it - I find Bu... 
The Denon DL cartrige family as a few members,
If I may be allowed to supplement TWL's post then:The Denon cartridge members are: DL-103, DL-103D, DL-103R, DL-103S. DL-103C is a conical stylus MC cart. Hence the "C" designator. DL-103R has PC-OCC (pure copper using Ohno long-grain copper casti... 
Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS
Here's some info:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?htech&1043181503&read&keyw&zz6922ehFWIW 
CAT Ultimate Mark Two upgrade?
Yhyun,Here is the info:http://cgim.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/manu.pl?convergentaudio&1&showmanu&C&&& 
CAT Ultimate Mark Two upgrade?
Bruno,I have the CAT Sig Mk3 & have no experience with the Ultimate Mk1 or Mk2. However, I have spoken with Ken Stevens many times & specifically asked him what the Ultimate Mk2 was all about. From what he told me is seems that the main pu... 
Music Maker II cartridge
TWL,Thanks for your impressions of the MM II MM cart. I thought that Grados had the highest compliance but I was wrong when I looked at many of the Van den Hul & MM II cartridges! Cartridges from these 2 companies seem to follow the same philo... 
Just how good is the Vandersteen 5A?
You might find these interesting to read:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1070120851&read&keyw&zzvandersteenhttp://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1070146234&read&keyw&zzvandersteenHope that this... 
Preamp for Clayton Audio S40?
Newbee,>>IMHO the user should keep an open mind should he have an >>inclination to a tube pre-amp and not just blindly >>exclude one because of this reviewers comments.Fully agree with your opinion! I'm of the same mind. However,... 
Preamp for Clayton Audio S40?
Newbee,Yes, I'm quite sure that I know about input impedances & their loading effects on the prior stage. What I was trying to say in my post was that despite Clayton amps having a reasonably high inp. impedance, it might not be high enough as... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
ROTFLMAO!!!!Jadem6, you had all that time to write your life history?? I used up my entire box of Kleenex tissues reading your sad tale! 
Green Mountain Audio still in business?
Welcome to the Green Mountain "family", Gmood1! Glad to read that you are really enjoying the Europas. 
Preamp for Clayton Audio S40?
No personal experience with the S40 or M100 but did an awful lot of research on them as they were #1 on my list to buy when I was searching for power amps. Their un-availabilty in the used market made me look elsewhere. You might want to read this... 
Imaging and soundstage
The way *I* understand it:-Yes, seating distance from wall behind the listener does play a role in imaging & soundstaging. The room will, usually, develop resonances between the centers of the wall behind the speakers & the wall behind the... 
Which amplifier to drive B&W Nautilus 802?
manufari,Gregm gives you good advice. I happen to agree with him as that was my personal experience as a former B&W owner.I used to own a pair of the (less exalted) DM series & even tho I had them hooked up to my (German) Symphonic Line am...