
Responses from bobgates

Best movies last two years
Just saw "Cars" and thought it was great. 
Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI
The new Clearaudio Maestro Wood works very well with the Scoutmaster. I just switched to a Maestro, having previously used the Virtuoso Wood, and am very pleased. 
Plymouth Indiana
I'm a little over 100 miles west of Plymouth and know a couple people in the Ft. Wayne, Indiana region that might be interested. 
Billy Preston Dies
What a lose; just heard "Will it go Round in Circles" a couple days ago on the radio and was thinking of what a great keyboardist and singer Billy Preston was. In addition to the Beatles and others I admired his work on Joe Cocker's "Organic". 
No one cares this is the anniversary?
I always think about D-Day on June 6th every year and the soldiers who lost their life that day back in 1944. I'm reading a book called "Flags of our Fathers" about the famous picture taken by Joe Rosenthal of the Marines raising the American flag... 
Krall's Look of Love soundstage more to the left
I had a similar problem and cured it by moving my left speaker an inch or two to the left. Image is right in the center now. 
What is your favorite Chick Corea CD/Album?
My favorite is "Musicmagic" by Return To Forever" but "The Mad Hatter" is also another big favorite. 
Jazz recommendations?
Johnny O'Neil, Mitsuaki Kishi, Patricia Barber, Bob James, Eliane Elias, Dave Brubeck, Pat Coil, Sergio Mendes, Russell Ferrante and Dave Grusin are a few great musicians that play smooth jazz piano. 
The 5 Jazz Recordings You Would Take With You...
I just picked up a jazz CD by a bass player from Columbus, Ohio named Andy Woodson called "Catalpa" that is wonderful. Michael Cox plays soprano sax on several of the cuts and does an exceptional job. If I could only choose five recordings this wo... 
Suggestions on used CD Player with Volume Control
The Shanling S-100 Mk 2 has a nice built-in volume control that works off the remote; 1 step increments going from 0 to 99. I have used mine directly into a Classe 15 power amp and it sounds superb. 
James Gang Reunion
Wow that should be a great time; last time I saw Joe Walsh, Dale Peters and Jim Fox was back in 1970 at Kent State. Talked with Dale Peters after the show; he's an interesting person. 
Audio Research LS 12 or Bat VK 40 Pre-amp
I like the BAT. 
Best movies last two years
Ice Age 2 (outstanding production!) Looking forward to seeing "The Da Vinci Code" in May since I just read the book. 
CD player modifications
Thanks David12 - I was looking to do something more than merely upgrading caps. 
Is AES/EBU digital cable/connection all that?
I definately prefer the AES/EBU connection to the single-ended (RCA).