
Responses from bob_bundus

Bass Cable-Copper or Silver?
Forgot to mention Bob Cohen at Cable Company (y'all likely know him) may offer some good advice/suggestions + you can try cables from the lending library for a negligible fee. Regarding the Sluggo sentiment: are you going to contin... 
EAD ULTRADISC 2000 /any good?
Yes this was TAS's favorite one-box machine. I've had the U2000 for just over a year; it's detailed, yet so smooth & easy-listening even with a stock power cord. Even better with a JPS Digital AC or Custom Power Top Gun. I got mine just as the... 
Bass Cable-Copper or Silver?
Agree with Sam: try to keep the same brand when biwiring. My general perceptions of silver: brighter & more forward. Copper: warmer & more rounded, which would seem to be a better bass cable for you. There is no "best" you just have to try... 
dedicated interconnect ?
Suggest that you first demo a handful of premade cables, to find a preferred sonic signature, before wiring them in dedicated. The PC boards could likely be heat-damaged by too much soldering/desoldering/resoldering; they're not made to handle tha... 
Need a good tuner and there aren't many?
I can vouch for the Dynaco; still have mine for a spare(from years ago) but it hasn't been in the system since I got my FT101 with the Sleuth preamp. I listened to a lot of 'affordable' tuners, then I heard the Dynalab & it was a no-brainer. I... 
Balanced Grounding Pins
You can easily make your own grounding connectors: get two male XLR connectors (try Radio Shack) a.k.a. Cannon plugs. Solder in a short jumper to ground the unused input. I used to have a Krell so I made mine, but don't I recall which pin you need... 
Help!! Low level hum from FM cable sgnl
Per J-k a hum-bucker is probably the best answer. But I did find a cheaper solution for my rig. I happened to have on-hand a car-audio isolation transformer. Actually this is two transformers (left & right channels) in 1 package, available fro... 
Interconnect integrity question
As you're already surely aware, keep in mind that interconnects (especially) can take a VERY long time to break-in. I have some which kept changing {bright-dark-bright} causing much frustration, until I finally understood what was happening. One d... 
Damping material for infinite baffle?
Lamb's wool is very good for the acoustic stuffing. Kimber recommended it to me as better than poly or fiberglass, etc. I have a source in Ohio for a good price, but I don't have the info. with me (it's at home - I'm "working" he-he). But I can le... 
Biwire questions - Best cable for
BiWiring Theory: it reduces cable-intermodulation of high-current bass signals into the delicate mids & highs. The longer cable runs are especially susceptible. I have a 20' pair of Audioquest Crystal 2 biwire shotgun w/spades available for $2... 
Opinions on Acurus equipment
This is a followup to my previous post. I remember now it was the RL11 preamp that I tried; I recall it was "a decent preamp for the money" had some nice features, but was a bit harsh with my horns & bass was a bit thin. This is with reference... 
Speaker Rebuilding
This shop in Chicago should be able to help you out with anything from simple advice on up, or even do the whole job for you; they do this regularly. Helped me over the phone, & I've never even bought from them. But I'll always remember that, ... 
Interconnects be as neutral as possible?
Your logic makes sense but you'll surely never know until you experiment. Stereophile has recommended & described the Synergistic Research Resolution Reference MKII & Designers Reference interconnects as very neutral. You may or may not va... 
Opinions on Acurus equipment
no steal - a preamp that I auditioned (don't remember which model) showed some promise, but was too compromised even for the low-ish cost. I believe the Aragon would be better, but that's only conjecture. You might see what the posts on Audio Revi... 
Klipschhorns or Belle's with SET amp's?
I've heard both extremes: seems that people either really like Klipsch, or they *really* don't! I've always been a fan of Khorns, & ever since I was privileged to spend some time with Mr. P.W.K. himself, I simply HAD to get a pair for my own. ...