
Responses from bob_bundus

Help with problematic MC Step-Up
thanks Bob as I've stated the case only has screws that keep it closed, should I rig a make-shift ground by screwing it to the chasis, then to the Pre yes that's a good approach; try it. 
amp noise with Quad 909-help needed
The two conductor line cord suggests there's no ground. Perhaps try grounding the chassis with a separate wire?Also try reversing the AC line polarity. This last idea seems radical & shouldn't be necessary, but perhaps try a line isolation tra... 
Help with problematic MC Step-Up
when you touch the transformer your body is possibly causing a high-impedance path to ground (patrial ground) resulting in some improvement. Although the interconnect shields should provide a good ground, try as an experiment connecting an externa... 
Buying new pre-amp
The IC-150 is of course an IC (integrated circuit) based design. It was a decent component in its' day, but yes do move on.If your cabling is also of that vintage you should also experiment with upgrading there. Your interconects & AC cord (wh... 
Anyone using ARC pre-amp with Machintosh amps?
general rule: input Z(impedance) of the load should be at least 10 times the output Z of the source.2k-ohms seems like a relatively high output Z but if this is a tube ARC pre it could be that high. Still from a spec perspective seems like this ar... 
Ever heard of "Cleaning an optical connector"?
might be able to 'blow the dust out' (if any) using "canned compressed air" like Dust Off computer cleaner, or CRC Duster 
Belles 150A Ref vs Plinius P8 or 10
Belles amps have been among the darkest I ever tried, although others have had much better results so it really depends on the overall system. I've had both the 150A Hotrod and the 350A, based on others rec's. Sorry, no experience with Plinius here. 
Switch to silver for a treble boost?
Carl you might want just to try it; for a hundred bucks it's an inexpensive experiment. However in my own experience, switching to silver based interconnect cables (the old Audioquest Lapis; from CDP to pre, and from pre to PA) yielded some extra ... 
Raquel is correct: always leave it on. Most electronics failures occur upon power-up. I always leave my rig on for enhanced musicality & reliability.BTW the added power cost will be well under $1 a month: these things draw negligible load curr... 
Your experience:a cdp that gets best of lesser cds
Cary offers variable sampling rate players, controlled via the remote so you can chose parameters from the listening chair. I'm thinking that Wadia also offers this feature? Spectral used to demo a player at the CES which had front panel switch se... 
How to properly isolate a turntable?
There are many approcahes depeding upon your intended cost.Place a good quality shelf under the turntable, such as a Neuance, Mapleshade, or a Black Diamond. You can even go homebrew with a slab of MDF. Then use a sheet of heavy-duty (the pink ant... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
Sean you've always known me as a big fan of fuses, not only for their superior protection qualities but also for their sonic characteristics. Apparently not everyone understands nor agrees with the fact the fuses can actually impart a sonic signat... 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
in what direction does current flow in AC currents? Or, what does polarity have do do with installing fusesThis is so simple that many overlook it (same thing for directionality of cabling). It is the direction of POWER flow which is of concern he... 
Best Solder
my experience has yielded good results by touching the solder to the iron-trace junction, so that some solder gets on each. Helps to speed up the initial melt at a somewhat lower junction temperature (causes less stress on the component) yet still... 
Power Supply Whine, Need Audiophile Help
you are describing completely normal behavior for a switching power supply; there's no way to prevent it & they all do it