
Responses from bmwmcab

Speaker Upgrade Journey - Wilson, B&W, Linn
Goose, there is a pair of Vivid Audio B1's in silver on the 'gon right now for a very good price. Even if you bought it and don't like it (which i highly doubt ;) ), it will not be a huge loss if you resell it. 
Speaker Upgrade Journey - Wilson, B&W, Linn
You should really check out the Vivid Audio speakers. 
help me decide speakers for two channel audio
From my experience on the 802's, I would opt for the Ushers. I never regretted selling them. 
help me decide speakers for two channel audio
Another vote for the Wilsons. I had the Nautilus 802's before and thought they were very good until i heard and tried other speakers. You can get a way better speaker for the amount of money you spend on these. They are ok to look at which is abou... 
Jl fathom f212 diy vs JL's version
You should check out Mark Seaton's Submersive subs. They are head to head or even slightly better than the F113's. 
Speaker suggestions please
How far apart are your speakers and do you have them toed in? 
Pass Labs XA60.5 vs. XA100.5
I had the same dilema as you. I did a lot of research and ended up purchasing the Plinius SA103. It has the same liquid midrange as the Pass XA's and still maintaining good control of the bass. 
Amplifier with the best Bass?
I would check out Krell or Plinius. 
Threshold Amp repair
Call Morgan's Audio in Richmond. He's really good. 
Cables more hype than value?
Bo1972, will you be attending the CES in Vegas coming January 2014? I would love to hear your set up! 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
Needfreestuff-what is the sound difference between the x350.5 and the xa160.5 do you notice? 
$10-15k speaker - Revel Salon2 / Usher BE-20
Check out the Vivid audio speakers. The B1's are in your budget. 
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
What kind of horns are you trying to blend with? What is your crossover frequency? I use the tact w210 subs (3 pairs) to integrate with my avantgarde uno's with superb results. The subs are now discontinued but lyngdorf makes the bw-1 which is sim... 
MC501 or MC601 or something else for B&W 802N?
I wouldn't recommend mac with 802n's. The music seems slow and lags behind when you are listening to fast paced songs. I tried it with the mac402 and pass x350.5. The pass was a bit better but I think there should be better. Maybe burmester? I wou... 
Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1
Apdoc2004, you should also put the Vivid Audio B1 on your list to try. It's a very well reviewed speaker and in the same league as the Raidho's and Magico's.