Responses from bmwmcab
Speaker Upgrade Journey - Wilson, B&W, Linn Goose, there is a pair of Vivid Audio B1's in silver on the 'gon right now for a very good price. Even if you bought it and don't like it (which i highly doubt ;) ), it will not be a huge loss if you resell it. | |
Speaker Upgrade Journey - Wilson, B&W, Linn You should really check out the Vivid Audio speakers. | |
help me decide speakers for two channel audio From my experience on the 802's, I would opt for the Ushers. I never regretted selling them. | |
help me decide speakers for two channel audio Another vote for the Wilsons. I had the Nautilus 802's before and thought they were very good until i heard and tried other speakers. You can get a way better speaker for the amount of money you spend on these. They are ok to look at which is abou... | |
Jl fathom f212 diy vs JL's version You should check out Mark Seaton's Submersive subs. They are head to head or even slightly better than the F113's. | |
Speaker suggestions please How far apart are your speakers and do you have them toed in? | |
Pass Labs XA60.5 vs. XA100.5 I had the same dilema as you. I did a lot of research and ended up purchasing the Plinius SA103. It has the same liquid midrange as the Pass XA's and still maintaining good control of the bass. | |
Amplifier with the best Bass? I would check out Krell or Plinius. | |
Threshold Amp repair Call Morgan's Audio in Richmond. He's really good. | |
Cables more hype than value? Bo1972, will you be attending the CES in Vegas coming January 2014? I would love to hear your set up! | |
Pass X350.5 Heat Output Needfreestuff-what is the sound difference between the x350.5 and the xa160.5 do you notice? | |
$10-15k speaker - Revel Salon2 / Usher BE-20 Check out the Vivid audio speakers. The B1's are in your budget. | |
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns? What kind of horns are you trying to blend with? What is your crossover frequency? I use the tact w210 subs (3 pairs) to integrate with my avantgarde uno's with superb results. The subs are now discontinued but lyngdorf makes the bw-1 which is sim... | |
MC501 or MC601 or something else for B&W 802N? I wouldn't recommend mac with 802n's. The music seems slow and lags behind when you are listening to fast paced songs. I tried it with the mac402 and pass x350.5. The pass was a bit better but I think there should be better. Maybe burmester? I wou... | |
Raidho D1/C1.1 vs Dynaudio C1 vs Magico Q1 Apdoc2004, you should also put the Vivid Audio B1 on your list to try. It's a very well reviewed speaker and in the same league as the Raidho's and Magico's. |