
Responses from bluemoodriver

Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
This is a great business model. We all know already that every successive pressing is a little less perfect than the one before. So if you have the 1000th and last press from a stamper the quality is not as good as press number one from the new st... 
Equal $$ for Phono OR Streaming?
R-pi plus Allo hat for £150. Khadas DAC for £90. Roon plus Qobuz for £25 a month. Less without Roon if you can bear it.  
Please Educate Me
Paul6001,I was new here not so long ago too. I liken the experience to being a bride’s guest at a wedding where most of the other guests are the groom’s family - and they drink too much and bicker over dinner and end up having a fist fight in the ... 
DAC break-in...
I can see the relevance of running in moving parts (to remover the burrs, to distribute lube, to align long molecules in a plastic or rubber). But all the specs I’ve seen for electronic components suggest that they start ageing in a negative way f... 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Obscure?  Perhaps not. Overlooked?  Certainly: 
Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?
As mentioned before, it is so easy and cheap to find out, why not try it. Pencil, or Frugalhorn, or Woden - these designs give a pretty flat response from around 40 to 14,000Hz, are really easy to drive, easy to adjust to your room and tastes - an... 
How to go about collecting Classical Music
Try thinking of streaming as being a 20th century feature with a twist. Treat your Node 2! as a radio. Only, a radio where you can make pretty much any request. A radio is a streamer where someone else decides what to play. A Node is a radio where... 
For those that use an external DAC with node 2i
”You can not be certain of the source of the music available streaming. That is why I only listen to physical media.”So every pressing, every reissue, every care regime, etc etc is exactly the same when the media is physical?  I’ll bet my physical... 
Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
Try a Raspberry Pi connected to wired ethernet, with an Allo Hat for coax out to DAC, and put Roon on your laptop to make it all work together.   
Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?
I built these Aveburys by Woden Design, using Mark Audio 12p drivers. In the UK you can get great advice directly from the designer and from KJF Audio who can supply all the hardware. About £250 for the dri... 
What tests would you like all speaker reviewers to do for their reviews?
I’d like them to describe their preferred sound types - we all have a preference - up front. Then I’d like them to say how the speaker under test satisfies their preferences. How can they honestly do anything else? 
Why wont speaker companies publish their measurements?
Of course, measurement is all!  I will propose to a future wife based on measurements only. What could possibly go wrong?(it must be something to do with what is measured...) 
Inexpensive streamer options for Amazon HD?
Try a Raspberry Pi 4 (about £35) with an Allo Hat for excellent coax digital out (about £40 I think) running free Ropiee XL. And you will have an excellent streamer. The money you save over alternatives in a posh box can be spent on Qobuz (plus Ro... 
Stand Deliver
They are speaking out on some important social and political issues - just like they always have. Music has always been used to carry protest and I’m glad our most experienced generation of musicians is reminding us all it still can.  
1099-K from PayPal (tax form)
You guys pay so little personal income tax that your ever-more-European states are going to have to pull in every dollar they can from every other source. Over here in the UK I pay 25% tax on the first half of my income and 40% on the second half,...