Responses from blisshifi
Solo streamer @rvpiano - Yes, the N200 will take a few weeks to truly settle. It will also benefit greatly from aftermarket digital cables and power cables. What are you using in those areas? Also, I mentioned what you might experience in pairing with your Benc... | |
GAIAs for amp? I’m an authorized dealer for both Isoacoustics and Synergistic Research and appreciate them both. Isoacoustics definitely addresses resonance but makes the sound a bit more “dead”. You can also look into Synergistic Research MiG 3.0 footers, which... | |
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state I’m just re-reading and seeing this is about the SLP-05. I owned a similar unit with the ultimate upgrade and actually paired it with Ralph’s Atma-Sphere S-30 on a high efficiency system for a little while. Unfortunately, the preamp wasn’t a keepe... | |
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state EML 5U4G usually can be used in place of a 5AR4 and is very, very linear. You may want to look into that! | |
Solo streamer @rvpiano That sounds like it may have been an error with how your dealer provided Aurender with your shipping address. Typically, it is drop shipped directly to you. And interestingly, if it ships via DHL from South Korea, it will get to you faste... | |
Solo streamer I agree with those that have suggested the mesh router / network system. This is what I do, using the Netgear Orbi 6 around my house. I initially used a high quality ethernet cable straight from the satellite to my streamer but since have put in a... | |
Solo streamer As the OP mentioned, he’s got a 60-day return window. If he does look for advice on a DAC upgrade after keeping the N200, it would mean that he has not only found value in the improvement the N200 made, and it is eye-opening enough for him to be c... | |
Solo streamer The original DAC 3 was an excellent DAC for its price point. It is very resolving, and should be capable of rendering what the N200 brings to the table with no issues. The only thing I would caution is that the DAC 3 is very, very linear, and the... | |
Solo streamer @rvpiano Looking at the level of your system components, I think the Aurender N150 is more fitting a streamer than the N200. While the N200 is a considerable step forward, the N150 is also a considerable step forward over the CXN V2. I’m both a Ca... | |
DAC Comparison - Aurender A200 vs McIntosh C2600 Say what you will. I was just offering helpful advice. | |
Absorption behind components and speakers rationale? The GIK Tri Traps that are triangular are somewhat effective, but nowhere near as effective as the full sized corner traps or the ASC Tube Traps (which are even more effective). With the tube traps, you are supposed to place them with a little roo... | |
DAC Comparison - Aurender A200 vs McIntosh C2600 I’ve heard the Mc DAC1 and compared it to a number of DACs. It is warm sounding, but not very resolving. I’m also an authorized Aurender dealer. The A200’s DAC will be more resolving and articulate, but you may find it is not as warm or musical as... | |
Absorption behind components and speakers rationale? @emergingsoul - The reason the front wall can/should be treated is because most rooms reverberate when charged by the speakers and because it, too a different points has standing waves and reflections that will smear the sound field. If your spe... | |
???DAC/Headphone Amp With FIXED Analog Out??? Look into the Audio-GD R28 or D28. You can likely get them for less than their typical list prices so they’ll fall in your budget. They are really strong pieces at their respective price points compared to the rest of the market. These two units ... | |
Turntable bargain including tonearm? They get decent reviews and seem to be a great bargain for their respective price points. The only downside is that they don’t have much US representation or support at the moment, so you may be on your own if something needs technical service. I’... |