
Responses from bkonig

synergy between preamp - amplifier: dartzeel
As a dealer for darTZeel, just wanted to say that the battery recharge issues have been resolved. There is now a simple software upgrade that can easily be performed by the user. The upgrade allows the machine to be switched manually to AC for non... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
Jfrech - Hi John. We had corresponded in the past. I went from the 16.5 to the Loricraft. To compare both machines, I would clean an LP on the 16.5 and listen to a cut. I would then clean with the Loricraft using the same fluid and listen again. T... 
Amy Winehouse LP Sound Quality
I have heard the CD and vinyl pressing (not sure which version) and both sound horrible. I heard them on 2 different systems so did not compare the vinyl to the CD. 
Is MP3 responsible for the return of Vinyl?
My friend is a DJ and he can scratch a CD the same way he scratches an LP, so I don't think DJ's are part of the equation at all. I never saw a DJ with a really good anaolg rig. Excellent analog just sunds more natrual and superior to excellent di... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
I went from the VPI 16.5 to Loricraft. The Loricraft takes longer to clean a disc. You sometimes have to vacuum twice to suck up some residual fluid. However, it is extremely quiet and sonically far superior to the 16.5. Records cleaned on a Loric... 
evolution acoustics mm2 - review after 600 hours
Karmapolice - Curious to know what speaker cables you are using. I'm running the MM2's and dartzeel amp/pre-amp. I was without the EA speaker cables for 3 months because I gave my pair to a customer. I finally got another pair of EA speaker cables... 
What beats the Evolution Acoustics MM3 ??
MrTennis - You state:"Any decent panel will provide a more realistic representation of timbre and no box colorations."I couldn't agree less. I have heard and owned many different types of speakers over the years (Planars, ribbons, stats, etc). In ... 
Anyone compare Devore and Harbeth speakers?
I am a dealer for Harbeth. I believe that the new speaker that Glory was referring to was the 40.1. It is a new and improved Monitor 40. The changes are as follows: - New Woofer- New surround on the midrange- New tweeter- Redesigned crossover 
HRS M3 users
I also previously owned Mapleshade 4 inch maple platforms with added brass footers. They were are a very big improvement over using no isolation. However, other more advanced isolation products were a huge improvement over maple. Yes, they are mor... 
Stereophile or Absolute Sound
My vote is also for HiFi+. The best magazine out there. 
What beats the Evolution Acoustics MM3 ??
Bill_PowelYou say that "there is a very clear way to define which loudspeaker is superior and this is not subjective at all. The superior speaker is the one that sounds closer to live music." That is much easier said than done. Comparing a piano r... 
What beats the Evolution Acoustics MM3 ??
fbhifi-Hi Franz. This is Barry K. We met at Rocky Mountain last year. As you know, I have the MM2's. I can't agree with you more. I also have them set very close to the factory settings. I played with the settings alot while they were breaking in.... 
Frank Sinatra Capitol Years Lps vs CDs etc.
Just wanted to add that I too own this fantastic set. If you are a Sinatra fan of the Capital years, this is the set to have. Enjoy.......... 
music recommendations
I love Vaughan Williams as well as traditional classical music. I would suggest you try Sibelius and Delius if you haven't yet. 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Khrys - I'm the dealer who Mtkhl567 (Hi Henry) is referring to. I use the Grand Prix Monaco table in my personal system and am in total agreement with you regarding the table. I'm using it on a Grand Prix Monaco with carbon fiber shelves. Myself a...