
Responses from birdies

System matching can be difficult...
A sensible solution is to go with a company that designs and manufactures with system matching as a guiding principle, particularly in the source through amplification chain. Unfortunately, VERY few excel at all links in this chain. One company th... 
Vinyl Frontend/Linn LP12 Question
No easy answers here. Tobias's point is well-taken and only you can answer the maintenance question. I have no problem with it myself. My setup is an LP 12/Cirkus driven by a Naim Armageddon power supply, with a Naim Aro arm housing a Dynavector X... 
best inexpensive tube integrated
A wonderful choice would be an Eico HF-81. It might run a little more than $700, but it achieves a magic that latter-day tube integrateds don't quite match. 
Upgrading From a Creek 4140s2
Naim Nait 5i. The Creek was remarkable for the money. I sold a bunch back in my salesman days. What the Creek did well, the Nait will do in spades. If a brand new one is too dear, they turn up used here fairly often. Build quality is such that you... 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
Dopogue, I'll try to hear the original remaster again. It's been many years, but I have the distinct memory of its disappointing sound on systems from mid-fi to high end. Maybe there were varying batches? Cheers. 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
I have heard all CD and LP versions, including my 47-year-old mono copy, which not surprisingly is the best. The 2-LP Classic is excellent. On CD, Tomcy 6 has it right: the stock Sony Legacy is the one, particularly in view of its affordable price... 
Integrated for ProAc isc
Naim amps, from the 50wpc Nait integrateds on up, pair beautifully with the 1sc. On a budget, the Audio Refinement Complete integrated. Good listening. 
Please recommend a good recording oMozart Requiem
I second Zinfan2's recommendation of Jordi Savall, et al. 
Phono stage revealing limitations of cartridge?
I'm unclear how you're routing the EAR to your Rotel. Are you saying that the Rotel has a phono stage and that you're plugging the EAR into that? If by chance that's the case, that's the problem. The EAR needs to go to a line input. Just checking.... 
Need p-stage for Sota/Audioquest/audiotechnica
The Dynavector P 75 turns up used here fairly regularly, in the $350-$425 range. The performance is staggeringly good for the money, and it will give you low-output MC through MM flexibility. 
any advice appreciated
At your stated budget, the NAD is a good choice. You might consider spending a little more on the CD player and a little less on the speakers. A $200 CD player will not get you very near to what the NAD and a $1200 speaker can do. There are no mak... 
Sonny Rollins
I'll second the rave on Sonny Rollins live. Saw him last September and he played to the standard that many have claimed for him: the world's greatest living improviser. He and Ornette Coleman are pretty much the last of the jazz giants who walk th... 
best artists in the last 15 years
I could list several, but because John Darnielle is underappreciated, I would point you all toward The Mountain Goats if you value great songwriting. 
The most haunting music you ever heard?
"Song To The Siren" This Mortal Coil"Miserere" Allegri, performed by The Tallis Scholars 
arguments against starting a vinyl collection?
I agree with Tvad. In your own mind, you've already stacked the deck against LPs.