
Responses from billstevenson

Detachable Head shell or Not?
John, The correct answer to your question requires that you first know yourself.  A person whose priority is collecting records first and being an audiophile second is likely to prefer detachable headshells.  Conversely a person who is principall... 
Stacking mats on Technics SP-10R
Your plan makes perfect sense.  Any generic rubber mats will do the job. Bill  
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
I, too, have a VPI HW-40, but it is the last thing I would do is recommend it or any other specific turntable to you.  One thing to be very wary of, and this forum is a prime example, the correspondent who has a component they love and as far as t... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
I highly recommend that you call Steve at High Performance Stereo in Miami.  He is honest and knowledgeable.  He is an advertiser here at Audiogon.  I have dealt with him for years and can't say enough good about him. Bill  
Silver v Copper wire phono cable
Silver will be more tingly.  Copper will be warmer sounding.   
If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...
Yes Raul you keep posting good information and It is appreciated by me.  I hope others are reading it too.  For example the recent technical paper of 9" vs. 12" tonearms, which is excellent. Bill  
If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...
I am surprised that people still get energized over the drive mechanisms used in better turntables.  In my view whether a belt or direct drive is used is about as impropant as what color the plinth is.  It is true that my every day TTs are both DD... 
Tell about your experience with your old Audio-Technica SL-1200s..
It is doubtful that the KAB fluid damper is a contributor to the difference.  I use one too on my GAE, but I prefer the Zupreme.  Like you said, not a big difference and probably comes down to taste.  I also had the same experience back in the day... 
Questions on Overhang/Cartridge Alignment using Dr Feikert Protractor on VPI Classic 3
lewm, do you hear any practical benefit to this increased precision? 
Questions on Overhang/Cartridge Alignment using Dr Feikert Protractor on VPI Classic 3
I have a glass mirror one, the Feikert one, paper ones, plastic templates, the VPI metal one etc. etc. etc....  In the imperfect world of warpped records, some with off-center holes, and arms that aren't made to spec and so on, in my experience th... 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
Up to some point the platform, that is the turntable and arm, are the most important because if the basic foundation is not solid then the cartridge can't perform well.  That should be obvious.  But once that critical point is reached, then the re... 
Measuring "Stylus Drag" with the RPM Speed and Wow app
At the risk of ruining everyone's fun it seems to me that the desired outcomes for this set of measurements could easily be overcome by the simple expedient of a simple listen.  If our ears can discern some sort of smearing or loss of detail, then... 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
My experience has been that upgrades beyond that of an SL1200G or in my case GAE are possible, but the increments are disproportionate to cost.  I have a VPI HW-40, and yes it sounds better but only a little bit better.  Hard to justify the cost d... 
why do people think the LINN LP 12 is so superior to the Thorens (say 165 super)
It is nonsense.  Don't listen to these friends. 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
So many strong opinions based on very little experience.  Interesting.  It seems that those who have experience with OMA products have a very positive opinion overall.  Any naysayers?  Mikey Fremer reviewed their SUT manufactured by Consolidated o...