
Responses from bigkidz

Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
Bedini, Counterpoint, Harmon Kardon, Lafayette KT-550. 
March Power Amplifier Repair
google me at vujadeaudio and use the contact page pleaseThanksPeter 
Who remembers the FULTON cables?
Funny thing is I own a pair!  Just pulled them out of storage.  Not sure what to do with them.  Greenish color jacket, very heavy and stiff.  Any suggestions? 
Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?
I was never satisfied with anything I heard so I built my own components.  Happy Listening. 
Stratospheric audio gear prices
Have you ever built a product to sell?  Probably not.  That being said, you don't get rich in the audio business.  I have a circle of friends and customers and when we get together, everyone has an opinion of what sound they like.  For a manufactu... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Simple answer - go to eBay and purchase a Counterpoint SA-100 hybrid tube power amp probably $500,  In stock form they sound very sweet but they are great once upgraded.  Send it to me for upgrading to Nichicon power supply capacitors, Audio Note/... 
Outlaw Audio repair
I'm in New Jersey if that works for you send me a message 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
@essrandI owned the CEC TL5 - there is no comparison to the Pro-Ject really.  Besides the Metronome, I also currently own the Audiomeca Mephisto II which I am currently repairing - and the CEC older TL-5100 (I think) but as much as I like the Au... 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
@charles1dad - I also heard the PS audio gear and IMO it did not sound like this in anyway. The person with the Jays when we did that comparison, he used to own the PS audio so he replaced it with the Jays. 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
OK as promised - the Metronome T1A & AL2 CD Transport and matching separate Power Supply CD player (used as a transport only) versus the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T dedicated Transport into the Vu Jade Audio reference tube DAC.The Pro-Ject was receiv... 
I had a few drinks and bought some speakers
now all you need is a transport, DAC, preamp and power amp to go along with them!  Have fun. 
Thoughts on Pro-ject CD Box RS?
See the other posts on transports  I will be posting there this weekend. 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
Terry - thanks.  Funny thing is that I just bought one for a friend and it arrived yesterday.  Took it over to another friends house to listen to it cold out of the box.  Hard to say what I was hearing as I don't know what this system really sound... 
Seller ants my credit card info
PayPal might protect you but I would do some research first.  I would also call my credit card company and ask them about the same.  As a consumer you have 60 days to dispute a charge on your credit card so you also may be protected that way also. 
Audiogon Friday Feel Good Story of the Week
Not sure where you are located but if you are in the NYC area I can repair/upgrade your gear