
Responses from bigkidz

Replace amp or speakers ?
Not a very good idea to change the amp if you are going to consider changing the speakers inthe near future. Mating the speakers and amp is critical to getting the sound you want. I have not heard the Rowland monos yet but they are on my list soon... 
Hales Concept 5
Call Miller Sound in Lansdale PA he knows most speakers and does repair work He may be able to help, here is the number, 215 412-7700Good Luck and Happy Listening. 
Best available Tube Dac around 3k
The Audio Logic was one of the best tube DACs that I have heard so far, but I did prefer the Chord over it. I did not get a chance to roll the tubes. I have not heard the MF, AN, Audio Aero or the Tube Technology DACs yet.Happy Listening. 
Sony SCD-1:Is it time to tweak or upgrade to new?
I agree with all of the above although I have the SCD-777ES SACD/CD player. My concern has always been getting back my investment after the mods. I have heard a few of the modded 777s and they sound much better than the stock. I recently compared ... 
Art Audio Preamp
I have not tried out the Gill yet as I am trying out a few DACs and CDPs where I can run them direct to bypass the preamp. If I find one that can make music I may go that route but I will not know until ealry next year.Happy Listening 
Bob Carver Architect's Choice Series II SunfireAmp
Sean the amp I have is the Architect's Choice Series II Sunfire amp that Bob Carver signs. I borrowed it from a friend who kept telling me to give it a try, and I gotta say it blew away the tube sound that I thought I loved from my other friends G... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
Froggerz40 the Live at the Filmore was the actual record that I learned most of my early geetar licks from. Both Duane and Betts really had the right "tone" as it is called. Betts still has some of the nicest guitar tone today.Jrd351 if you includ... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
Buscis2 Ooops, I missed a few more also. I own 30 geetars, 6 LPs a few Strats and Teles from the '60s and a nice '61 335 Dot Neck tobaco sunburst. Still cannot get over that Gatton and Stevie are not with us any longer, oh yeah the guitarist who d... 
Your Favorite, Most Outstanding Guitar Solo
Easy,Eric Johnson Cliffs of Dover, one of the most inovative guitar solos ever, Danny Gatton entire CD Crusin' Deuces he was the best guitarist period, it is not even up for discussion pleaze, Duane Allman side geetar Layla and Statesboro Blues, S... 
amp-preamp considerations.
Well it is not as easy to just buy a preamp or an amp, it comes down to synergy. For example, my friend has a Carver amp and he happened to mate it with the Musical Fidelity 308 preamp, funny but they just click together, why because what the Carv... 
Audiopoints vs Mapleshade brass cones
Parts express has some cheap cones that worked OK in my system made by Dayton that you can use points or take the points off for around $20 for 4 just for a holdover until you get some more funds.Happy Listening. 
Pass X150 vs. X250
The X-250 will give you a more refined sound, better details, dynamics, slam and has extra juice whenever you need it. Once you hear them side by side then you will understand. I am not familiar with your speakers so I do not know the synergy with... 
von Schweikert VR-4 vs Vandersteen 5A
Sdcampbell is correct in every way. I just heard the 5As versus Virgo IIIs, JM Labs 936s, 3As, small Quads and Revel F-30s (hey I went thru every speaker the dealer had in the room). I also hear the treble not hitting you at first but I also heard... 
Pass X150 vs. X250
Do a search on Agon and you will find info on this question. The X-250 is slightly more refined, better bass weight/slam and to me sounded a little more extened in the top end. Maybe having more details too but it was a while back.Happy Listening. 
Camelot Uther MK4 or Audio Aero Prima DAC
Find the new model of Tube Technology if you can.Happy Listening.