
Responses from bigkidz

Dahlquist DQ-20 Fan club Rant
Agree with RX8Man get Bill to do your mods, or go up the ladder with the same designer to 30is or Alon V MKIIs.Then address isolation and AC. I can help you out with these for cheap.Happy Listening 
DAC that beat Mark levinson 360s ??
Up sampling does not mean better sound, I don't know where that is a proven fact. Anyway, what digital cable are you using, that would probably make a bigger difference since the cable passes the sound to your dac, garbage in, garbage out.Happy Li... 
Purpose of a DAC and Redbook Presentation
yes there is a benefit but you also need a very good digital cable. The other option is to have your CDP internal DAC modified. 
hum with 2wq filters/ general hum help needed
try makig a star gounding system where all of the components are grounded to one point. Maybe someone here can help with the design. 
DAC for my HHB Burnit
Besides the DAC, the digital cable is very important. If the signal to your dac is flawed, then so will be your sound. The DAC and the cable are more important then the transport really is in the chain.Happy Listening. 
"The Law of Diminishing Returns"???
Sean is correct. If you know which parts make the biggest difference in the sonics of each component, the upgrade path can produce excellent results at a cost savings. Too many of the mods that I have seen while being very good, cost too much and ... 
One more Power Cord Needed...Advice?
Tvad, I have one of those cords (live right here in New Jersey) and never put it in my system but tomorrow I will just because of you.Happy Listening. 
B&W N803 VS Sonus Faber Cremona
The SF love power. Most of the time I have seen them paired with larger Krell mono blocks. 
Power cord to add ease and tame treble.
Sounds more like an AC issue. What do you have the system plugged into and how is the AC delivered to you system? I will be experimenting with some AC noise products that come off my fuse box prior to the AC coming to my dedicated AC lines and Por... 
Allman Brothers: Live at the Fillmore East
I was there in person, ah the good old days. I bought my first Les Paul Geetar because of Duane, now I have ten of them including a 1957 Goldtop like Dicky used to play. I basically copied every lick they played and that is how I learned to play t... 
Sonic Frontiers pre-amps
Email Chris Johnson or better yet call him directly, he will answer your questions.I think this is the number:10am-6pm (Mon-Fri) ESTToll Free: 1-866-681-9602Happy Listening 
Best sacd player
Jtinn,How did the modified Sony sound on redbook playback?Thanks 
What tubes would you suggest for the following....
Check out New Sensor they are making a reissue of the Tung-Sol 6550 and also carry EH and JJs. Good place to start rolling tubes and with good prices.New SensorHappy Listening 
That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??
Better the front-end then the, umm rear-end! 
BPT Power Conditioner
I tired and tired to hear a difference with the RG 400 unit but to my ears nothing, that being said I know two others who use a Hydra and a Exact Power and they swear by them. There other ways to do this, see some other threads by Sean, Physicanim...