
Responses from bigkidz

Review: Alon Model I Speaker
contact Nola (Alon backwards) they are in Long Island, New York.  They can help you. 
Add Lundahl MC transformers to Cary SLP98P
Contact David Slagle in New York and have him make you a pair of transformers for you specific needs.  Happy Listening. 
Should high-end shops be "OBLIGATED" to advise about component matching for best sound?
Like previously stated, dealers only carry specific brands that they deem good for their customer base and market.  They don't carry off brands to often as they want a brand that will last a long time, has money to develop new products, and they c... 
What is most important part of a system?
Plutos  Most people are not prepared to hear the difference.  They kind of get a puzzled look on their face and then move to sit in the position where they normally go to listen, pull out a recording they want to hear and then they ask how much fo... 
Supra wire impressions vs. WE/Dueland wire
I have been using the Supra Sword speaker cable in my system for a very long time.  It has been on loan from a friend and he now wants the cables back.  I had them new termination installed because I had them so long and I'm a nice guy!   Another ... 
Trade in value to a dealer
Dealers don't want the hassle especially if they do not represent the product line.  They don't know the actual condition and they don't know if they can warranty the unit say for 30 to 90 days, etc.  Figure 20% of the retail price.  In general an... 
What is most important part of a system?
randy-11I am not likely to let big kidz anywhere near my system.  I like this!czarivey If there's a $35k budget for DAC, why not try $250 DAC and see what changes positive or negative rite?I have been repairing, building, modifying components fo... 
It is a good idea to purchase a vintage tube pre-amp.
For the money buy an old counterpoint SA-2000 and send it to me for upgrading.  Volume control, caps, new resistors, I will incorporate tube rectification, etc.  Should beat the ARC ref II preamp and a few others.Happy Listening. 
Very Bad purchase from upscale audio Acoustic Zen Adagio
Robert Lee resolved that.  Did you send the serial numbers to Robert to see if these were factory seconds?Second file a claim in your state in small claims court against Upscale Audio.Happy Listening - sorry for your loss. 
Question about weak link
Each component and wire will most likely place an emphasis in different areas of sound so you may have several trade offs.  When I was playing around with resistors in a preamp that I build, each did something different.  Metal film resistors for ... 
What is most important part of a system?
randy-11show me the blind listening test resultsGive me 30 seconds in your system forget about going blind.  Most people have never heard a DHT component.It is not just a change, it is an experience never heard before.Happy Listening. 
What is most important part of a system?
czariveybigkidz,try to place Alesis Masterlink $250 as DAC only and you'll get result very close to yer $35k DAC.Wanna put some money on it!Happy Listening. 
Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey
So nobody in the NYC area? 
What is most important part of a system?
randy-11"The DAC is easy to get good sound from at a few hundred dollars and there is no need to spend $35,000 on it."I guess I am in the wring business then!  I recently demonstrated my DAC to a person who had a well known company that builds a... 
What is most important part of a system?
plutos one pair of transformers in the preamp.  As good as the preamp is, the DAC made more of a difference in every system we installed it.  In some instances it was night and day.  We were stunned at that - the light was off and then the light w...