
Responses from bigkidz

He spent his life building a $1 million stereo. The real cost was unfathomable.
Actually, Bell Labs was located in Murray Hill, NJ. I used to go to their sound proof room when I was a kid. A million dollars does not buy you great sound. Have you been to a reviewers system lately? LOL The trick, pioneered in the early 1930s b... 
Upgraded my cables and they transformed my system!!!
I guess then I should be looking to upgrade my 1970s interconnects that came with my Sony tape desks!.   @cundare2 - I am with you on this.  If you like the way your system sounds, then that is the simple answer. So if you system, which sounded ... 
New Phono Cart with Character Needed
For around $300 or a little more get the Denon DL-103 and get a wood body installed.  We use the Gold Bug cartridge (also I think made by Denon), and expensive but once you place the wood body on the Denon, it will compete.  No need to spend any m... 
DAC upgrade
Most of the DACs in your price range a decent but really nothing special until you swap out some better parts.  Then the fun begins and for a lot less! Happy Listening.  
Help with speaker selection
I would agree with this review description if I didn't know better. Sonus Faber Olympica Nova V: Sound Signature: Known for its warm, rich, and romantic sound. Features lush mids, smooth treble, and a slightly rolled-off bass that emphasizes m... 
Is toeing speakers a bad idea?
Audio Physic has info on speaker placement.  That is the best suggestion I have found to date.  Toe in depends on what you equipment can produce as far as soundstage, dimension, etc. Happy Listening.  
My New Year’s Wish for my fellow audiophiles.
All I want for Christmas is a 1959 Les Paul!  Other than that, everyone is welcome to our listening room in northern New Jersey for fun and listening pleasure.  
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice
First of all, you are not that specific to get good responses.  Why is $20K your budget?  Equipment you will be using?  Many responses here are form people who don't really know that much meaning they have comments that are general and have not ha... 
Eliminated my preamp with amazing results
Not so surprised as the Melos is an old preamp that most likely muted the sound compared to a more up to date preamp.          
My speaker upgrade journey - and a few questions
From what I understand the OP listened to older R&R music which typically are poorly recorded.  If that is true, then the ATC speaker probably did float his boat.  That would explain a lot to me.  
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ?
How many dealers, reviewers or show rooms have great rooms?  I get what you are hearing with your rooms but if your equipment does not offer the correct tone, separation, soundstage, speed, dynamic contrast then what does that mean for the room?  ... 
Tekton Open Baffle Speakers
@ricevs - I agree, all true but I would imagine that the cost of the speaker would probably rise and also not to mention improving with better drivers.  I am fan of field coil speakers and good ones are hard to find.  Your suggestion to build your... 
My speaker upgrade journey - and a few questions
I am not sure what you have heard and how you define the sound you are looking for.  I have heard a pair of ATC's at John's and they sounded sort of boxy to my ears.  Not very open or layered so that is what I look for to begin with.  But I also l... 
A little deeper on amp power please....
Power or wpc do not translate into sound quality.  The Class A mono block tube amps we build easily outperform many higher wpc amps on many different speakers at various ratings or recommendations by the manufacturer.  We drove a pair of Vanderste... 
Best Options For A Tubed Preamp - $2500 Or Less, Preferably Used To Maximize Value
Counterpoint SA-3000 or SA-5 (5.1).  Then you are done except for upgrading.