

Responses from bigjoe

What tattoo to get next?
a friend of mine had a great suggestion,how about a set of mcintosh big blue meters. 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
children of the sun , billy thorpe. 
how many of you are ..............................
thanks everybody,the only reason i asked this question is beacuse when i read peoples responses to tech questions it seems that there are a bunch of people who really know what their talking about.i was curious as to how much of the good info was ... 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
damm,i gotta go out & get manfred man now,i havent heard that in years. 
Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder
is this the best guitar ever
audire ,i dont think they do but i also would love to see them, i saw al demiola before & he was amazing, guy plays the guitar like a machine gun.mike. 
The Great Cryo'd Outlet Test
i think this will be an excellent test. 
Large Speakers Small Rooms
im running klipschorns & klipsch cornwalls & a passive klipsch sub in a room thats 18x20 with 300 watts to the cornwalls, 200 watts to the khorns,120 watts to the sub.i love it,i cant imagine ever using anything other than large floor stan... 
What tattoo to get next?
i wouldnt reccomend the stones logo for a tattoo,do you have any idea how many chicks have that tattoo!tons. 
The Great Cryo'd Outlet Test
eldartford,i know from reading your threads & responses that you are into vinyl,are you also into digital? the reason im asking is that i would love to hear from a skeptic what it really does for digital & vinyl. 
What tattoo to get next?
jeff,dont listen to em man,do what you like!get the tattoo that you like!tattoos arent for everybody but neither is hifi,i have a tattoo covering my back of the judas priest album jugulator,i dont care for the music but i liked the tattoo.one thin... 
killer violin tracks.
anything by jean-luc ponty,enigmatic ocean is a great album. 
Please read and help me
i would reccomend you get a mcintosh preamp,there are many that are in your price range & the best thing is when you decide on which pre will be next the mcintosh will sell like lightning,mac sounds great & the resale value holds its groun... 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
great thread,i dont believe that you can get an honest review to save your life,everything is always light & airy or it has great timbre or some other words put together to sound cool yet staying vague enough so no matter what you think they s... 
Music everywhere, too much?
yes,i feel the same way,everywhere you go top 40 music is being piped in,i commute about 3 hrs a day & thats my quite time.