

Responses from bigjoe

Resale value of modded CD players?
call me nuts but as soon as i read that its been modded i stop reading that second & move on.weather a mod is good or bad is way too subjective to dirrerent peoples tastes & i much prefer stock gear as youll never know how the unit sounded... 
how did you find "the gon"
TOM,wow,small world i swear,i never woulda guessed thats where audiogon started,damm fine bit o trivia .mike. 
DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound
i to am curious as to what happened to the offer for 3 members to demo the amp as a matter of fact i cant even find the thread that started all this.i too am finding the questions lately about the amazing dk design group products to be a little on... 
Do Any High End Speakers Boogie/Rock? BW 804 Blues
jeffsel,i agree with you on the no sub deal,you shouldnt & dont need a sub.two very good points have been made here,the first being from audiobugged when he suggested a bigger amp.speaker ratings are for reference only & should not be look... 
Do Any High End Speakers Boogie/Rock? BW 804 Blues
for me the mcintosh xrt 22's are the end but since i own them i wont give the big speel.i recently listened to the vmps line & was mighty impressed. 
High End Audio Dealers
ive drove half way across the country to look at gear,im lucky in the respect that i now know what i want & only have to drive to buy it.mike. 
Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll
i have no problem buying at marked cost if its a peice ive been lookin for & i rarely ask for "a deal" unless i have seen the peice i want for a lower price & in the same condition from a trusted seller.now when im selling im usually willi... 
Hand shaped single CD holder.Please,help to find.
hey sean,god do i miss that & your right that the kids are missin out,i remember when cd's first hit the scene at 30 bucks a pop & i opened a frank zappa cd only to find some sales garbage & no liberato in the case,man was i bummed!don... 
How frequently do you check Audiogon listings?
hey skip,i admit im strung out like a whore on smack,its the hunt that excites me then the kill really gets me ooo oooh ooooh oooooh ooooooh.SHIT!i need a smoke now. 
How frequently do you check Audiogon listings?
i check 3 times a day as im always buying but the best goodies come in the wee early hours,who needs to bunji jump for a rush i get a thrill from opening an email & reading these words.i accept your offer(WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO)MIKE. 
best turntable for 500$ or less
too bad! i thought too good,a mint dual with not even a single swirl on the dust cover for a $50 spot i'd say pretty good. 
Is there any hope for my room?
hi tim,i too recently got my first dedicated room & at first it sucked all the life right out from under the music but as i started filling the room with other furnishings such as my desk & some large pictures on the walls the life started... 
best turntable for 500$ or less
well i finally did it & went out & got a TT .i ended up getting a dual cs-450 with an ortofon super om 10 cartridge,im a little suprised at how good it sounds,while it will never take the place of my cdp's it is a good way to listen.nowher... 
Am I crazy - tube pre-amp with receiver??
hey matthew,i wouldnt leap to the conclusion that your hk dont have a preamp in,i vaugly remember that model reciever & i do believe it has it.what your lookin for will not be a regular looking input but 2 side by side inputs that are coupled ... 
When does the law diminishing returns kick in?
in my case the "law" never kicks in unless your spending too much or the upgrade was just to have a more current model without any sonic benefits.ive tried hard to buy smart & sell even smarter so in my case this hobby hasnt been all that expe...