
Responses from biggy79

Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
@garebear 1) as you noticed, I noted "in my experience";2) I never said Clear Beyond Interconnects require Beyond Power XL, I think my meaning was...clear: Golden Reference series do not blend with Clear(Beyond) series;3) about using C.B. in succe... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Absolutely, to my ears and in my system Clear Power ("Golden Reference II") is less bright than Golden Reference Power, but it is also more neutral (less brightness, less midbass bloom, more naturally warm, less congested sound).Golden Reference P... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
A forum-mate told me he experienced that Clear Beyond may sound a bit bright/hard on some "digital" digital sources, where he did prefer the softer Clear M.I think it's a matter of quality of audio gear, you cannot use the Beyond Power on poor aud... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
@david_ten @jafant @garebear @mikey8811 As I told in the Beyond Power topic, I have Clear Beyond Interconnects in my system.After a long (and painful!) break-in I can say it's virtually free of faults, a huge improvement versus both Clear Reflecti... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
I own two Beyond Power (one on the integrated amp, one on the SACDp) and a Clear Power (on the SACDp AC filter), with Beyond XLR Interconnects (!!!) and the old double run of Golden Reference Speaker in "shotgun" configuration.I tried a single pai... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
I am from Italy, I think it's worthless for you ;) 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
I never experienced hardness and sibilance with Clear Reflection, too.Maybe it is a burn-on issue, however consider to change DAC if you know yours sounds etched: good cables can only highlight problems.When my system had problems I had hard and f... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
I had AQ Sky silver interconnects in the past, exchanged with a pair of Golden Reference (replaced by Clear Reflection after 5 years): one of the best deals of my audiophile life.@dbarkovic : no, unfortunately I could not audition the Beyonds yet.... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
@garebear I'll tell you more ... I did prefer A LOT the Nordost Frey 2 (I could try in my system) more than Clear Rev.1 (I don't want to know how awful could be the first Clear): the Nordost was more analytical but much better balanced and enterta... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
@garebear I had the same impression about old Clear interconnects: a Cardas version of the Nordost Valhalla v1 !It would be nice for me to know if the Beyond interconnects would keep the same tonality and musical balance resulting the right cable ... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
So you moved from warm cables like PAD 20th Anniversary to Clear Beyond and you're happy ... maybe that means Beyond Interconnects are not too resolving and still musical, like Cardas website says:"Improving upon the spectacular performance of Cle... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Interconnects ?
Has really nobody auditioned the new Clear Beyond Interconnects? 
Power cord feeding a power conditioner/regenerator
Sorry! I really forgot that.It was more than 4 years ago, but I remember (after a long burn in of the Cardas) better sense of density, richer voices, better mid-bass fullness and bass impact, more harmonics, more real and natural timbre and better... 
PAD Aqueous 20th Anniv. vs Cardas Golden Ref. IC's
@ Zd542 : why did you get rid of the PAD?In what parameters did you find the Cardas better than it?Thanks 
mit magnum z III
Do anyone know the MIT Magnum ZIII power cord :-/ ?Even without comparing it to other cables...Thanks