
Responses from big_greg

Best Headphone system under $1000???
The amp in the previous post would be a good buy. I have the M1 HPAP and it's a solid performer. It's only good for connecting source components though, the USB is not very good.  
Relaxed, musical DAC around 2k used?
For those interested in r2r DACs take a look at MHDT Labs. I picked up an Orchid recently for a 2nd system and really like it. They have a couple of balanced models, no MQA. 
Best Headphone system under $1000???
One of the great things about the HD-6XX is that since the HD-600/650 have been around forever there are a lot of aftermarket accessories for them - cables, earpads, etc.  Putting some nice earpads on mine made them a lot more comfortable.  I didn... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
A copy of Some Girls on orange vinyl. It has the original sleeve with all the celebrity photos. Sounds great!  
ARC LS26/27 vs BAT VK31SE
I recently purchased an LS 26 for my bedroom system.  It replaced a Jolida Fusion and was a big improvement, more detail and dynamics and a very noticeable improvement in the bass region.  I've been wanting to swap it out with my Modwright LS 100 ... 
Relaxed, musical DAC around 2k used?
Every MQA DAC rolls off the highs for PCM music, so something from Mytek for instance would have less upper treble than a Benchmark DAC3B or Chord Qutest (these have neutral sound). I have a Mytek Liberty, and it's a toss up as to whether it or m... 
Is OPPO worth the inflated price?
Not to me. I paid about $100 more for my 203 than they originally sold for, but 3-4 times? No way.  
Best Headphone system under $1000???
@james63 The HD-6XX are $199. 
Differences between cd transports?
@fred60 That is correct that the Oppo can't output SACD over coax. I don't think any player can.  
Best Headphone system under $1000???
I agree with the comparison between the Elex and the HD-6XX, but would not call the HD-6XX boring.  I guess one man's smooth and easy to listen to is another man's boring. The Elex is definitely better, but the HD-6XX is a lot of headphone for the... 
The Music Room
I just bought a used ARC LS26 preamp from them. When I opened it up to put in the tubes, two of the capacitors were disconnected from shipping. I contacted them and they sent me a return authorization and shipping label right away. The return was ... 
Relaxed, musical DAC around 2k used?
A used Auralic Vega fits in your budget.  It's my favorite of all the DACs I've owned and is the one I use in my main system.  Here's a quote from a review by The Absolute Sound:"Finally, I was struck on multiple occasions by the Vega’s unfailing ... 
Phono preamp suggestions
I'm not familiar with the Moon LP3, but it looks like it's an entry level phono pre and probably the weak link in your analog setup.  You probably need to budget $1500 - $2000 to "dramatically" improve sound quality, but in addition to some of the... 
Best Headphone system under $1000???
The system I use and can therefore recommend is Focal Elears and Schiit Jotunheim. I was going to mention Schiit, but I'm not familiar with the models that would fit in the OP's budget.  I have a Mjolnir 1 and it's a great amp.  If the Jotunhei... 
Best Headphone system under $1000???
I'm not sure if it's reasonable to expect to "replicate" what you have in a headphone system, the experience of listening to music through speakers and headphones is very different.  Your budget allows for some decent components.  If you're willin...