
Responses from big_greg

Whats on your turntable tonight?
King Crimson - USA 
Is it common for tubes to outweigh the cost of the amp or preamp?
That doesn't sound like a good investment.  Changing tubes can have a positive effect on the sound or it may sound worse.  Or those expensive tubes might go microphonic in a month or few.  I personally have found tube rolling in different devices ... 
Should an amp have a "personality"?
Pretty much every piece I've owned has had some sort of unique sonic signature - amps, preamps, phono stages, speakers, streamers, CD players, headphones, etc.  As others have said, it's a matter of finding components that have a personality that ... 
Quick Klispch question
You don't necessarily have to replace everything that I did, the crossovers and tweeters are probably all you need to do.  I thought I replaced the mids, but going back through my emails I realized all I did there was replaced the gaskets for them... 
Hana ML compared to other high end cartridges
I have no experience with the Benz, but the Hana SL is a fine cartridge. My Van Den Hul Two (HOMC) and Kiseki Blue NS are both a little more refined / detailed, but not by much and they both cost a lot more. 
Quick Klispch question
I'm not aware of any "upgrade kits" available direct from Klipsch, but there are a number of places where you can purchase upgrade and/or replacement parts for Heresy (and other Klipsch speakers).  Bob Crites sells crossover kits, fully assembled ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Rolling Stones - Goats Head  Soup 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
One of the many Kendun pressings of Fly Like an Eagle I bought when trying to find a really clean copy. This one's pretty nice.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
T. Rex - S/T 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Earth, Wind,  & Fire - S/T 
Whats playing on your system today?
SRV - Texas Flood on CD.  
Does it make sense to run a 3k cartridge on a 2k table?
I have a Kiseki Blue on my $550 JVC QL-Y66F and think it sounds great. I wouldn't put this cartridge on my Music Hall 2.2, but the JVC is a good enough table to let the Kiseki sing.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Sugarloaf - S/T  
Which Integrated with Power,Current, and Bass
The Anthem STR is a really nice piece.  I don't own one, but have heard it a number of times at Desco Audio here in Olympia.  You should add the Peachtree Nova 300 (or the new 500) to your list.  It has driven everything I've thrown at it with eas... 
Does anyone know anything about the audio dealer True Audiophile ?
No, but they spell Customer kind of funny...