
Responses from big_greg

Whats on your turntable tonight?
Badfinger - Airwaves 
Rega RP8 vs Clearaudio Concept
I'll keep that in mind if I decide I need to do jumping jacks while listening to vinyl.  I think I'm good for now.  I have a couple of fairly well damped tables both on Symposium bases.  I can walk around the room without them skipping and they do... 
Beginner's Guide to Replace Cartridge on Music Hall MMF 2.2
The first thing I did when I got my 2.2 was try to try to install a new cartridge and I broke one of the wires.  Fortunately I have a local repair shop that is much more reasonable than the one you spoke with and I think it was about $50-$75 to ge... 
Used 5ch Amp (Classe, Krell, Rotel)
I stand by my recommendation to get separates for 2 channel listening, but if you're stuck on getting a 5 channel amp, the best sounding and most "musical" one I have owned is my Lexicon LX-7 which I still own and use for surround duty.  Others I ... 
What are you streaming tonight?
This morning... Kate Bush - The Kick Inside, Albert King - Born Under a Bad Sign. 
What is the best sounding Pre/Pro 7.1 channel with analog bypass.
My first reaction is to tell you to save up until you can get something better and not to expect great sound quality from a $500 pre-pro (or even much higher ones for that matter).Having said that, Every time a new pre-pro comes out the manufactur... 
Turntable Mat question
What kind of turntable do you have?  What kind of platter does it have?  Why do you think you need a different mat?  What are you expecting the new mat to do?Most of my tables have acrylic platters and I use a clamp or weight and no mat.  I have a... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Cheap Trick - Next Position Please 
Whats playing on your system today?
Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 
Rega RP8 vs Clearaudio Concept
No experience with the Rega.  I had the Concept and really liked the looks and sound of the table, but I have bouncy floors and it is probably the worst table I've owned as far as being sensitive to footfalls, so it had to go.  It sounds like you ... 
Bobbie Gentry or Dusty Springfield?
I don't have an opinion on the vs. question, but sort of on topic, I recommend checking out Shelby Lynne's Just a Little Lovin' record.  It's her tribute to Dusty Springfield and a great listen. 
What are you streaming tonight?
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Qobuz HiRes 
Difference Between DAC Types
I don't think you can generalize by type, there's a lot more to the DAC than just the chip used and different people hear things differently and have different tastes.  At the end of the day the only way you're going to know if one is better for y... 
Well maybe it IS my hearing
I wholeheartedly agree with your post.  In regards to the topic of hearing, mine is limited to about 12kHz.   I have a lot of aftermarket power cords and interconnects, but I have never experienced a single instance where there's been a noticeabl... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
 Joan Jett - I love rock and roll