

Responses from benanders

Aurender Model Choices
  lalitk 4,974 posts 02-18-2024 at 10:37pm  @benanders The evidence is in the pudding. Try yourself and you may be in for a pleasant surprise. The $6K (N200) and $12K (N20) are not for everyone…OP asked for opinion between the two and the ... 
Aurender Model Choices
  audphile1 3,646 posts 02-18-2024 at 01:42pm Pretty bad assumptions are made above, @benanders Heyya @audphile1 then you misunderstood my intent in that reply. I don’t prefer to segment quotes bc of how that can be misleading, but for exp... 
Songs you use when auditioning gear
Useful trial for a stereo setup’s ability to manage complex percussion: ”The Echo Game” - House of Flying Daggers (2004 OST) If the link doesn’t work, a direct search on YouTube will. Select the track with album art, not the actual scene from th... 
Aurender Model Choices
@jfrmusic please note the statements about your Benchmark kit stated up this thread by others, while worded with authoritative tones, amount to nothing more than anecdotal opinions and do not constitute facts. I do not argue their collective concl... 
Amp — Leave on or turn off
  soix 8,261 posts 02-17-2024 at 09:32am  “Don’t unwittingly make a fire hazard or an insurance claim hazard. Once you know folks who’ve gone through this, you develop caution by virtue of proximity.” @benanders  Exactly how many people do... 
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.
Both bananas and spades are useful to me, depending on the given connection/reconnection need(s). One’s for eating, one’s for gardening, so to speak. I think no need for absolutism in this area. 😉  
Amp — Leave on or turn off
@rvpiano I think it’s fine to bring up again. Good on ya. @bigtwin I think score-keeping will eventually fall into the hands of AI modules better suited for thread-summing than those currently employed by Google etc. For now, yeah, it’s still bes... 
Signal tube versus power tube, sound impact?
Not knowing what your tubes are definitively (did you actually confirm they’re JJ - you seemed uncertain…), nor the amp, speakers etc., this is not a realistic query for anyone to field. More supporting input due from ya. 😉  
Finally...subwoofer that's aesthetically pleasing!
I see that item as a paired bass tower (not sold separately or intended for diverse range of speakers) rather than a subwoofer. At least in the audio hobbyist/consumer sense of the term. Gotta wonder how many units Sonus aspired to sell with that ... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
Well this thread sure ran longer than a few mic cables 😅 Main discrepancy is revealed by the term belief. Belief is best applied to things that can’t be experimentally assessed. While it’s obvious for some pursuits, it doesn’t need to apply to co... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
    laoman 336 posts 02-08-2024 at 07:48am @benanders "Listening through headphones via the Scarlett 2i2, it was super easy to hear distinct differences in these cables. The differences were not small and very apparent." This does not sou... 
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price...
@crozbo based on your last comment: Was your wife reading the track live for each cable, or were you re-recording the same pre-recorded reading by her for each cable? I know the latter sounds incessantly redundant, but, if you recorded a different... 
@dmaddox77 that is helpful info. No, I would not suggest DSP in your use case; mine is similar and a couple DSP implementation trials seemed unproductive for my goals. My stereo is similarly a whole-(shared-with-spouse)-household feature, and form... 
Understood, @dmaddox77 . I too keep 2 Ch / “theater” separate. No such convenient DSP AIO’s for stereo-only that I’m aware of. Too bad, since that could be really handy for streaming to one MLP.  
Did you look into Trinnov?