
Responses from ben_campbell

Good Quality Led Zepplin CD's do they even exist?
For serious Zep fans and the particular track Lush asks for you really need the grey box set remastered as David99 describes above.Essential. 
Best Jazz and Rock & Roll HDCD CDs
The Doors back catalogue.Van Halen remasters.Tubular Bells by Mike OldfieldThe Teardrop Explodes first two albums. 
Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?
Neils Ostred Henning Pederson who is mentioned above and incredibly well thought of in Jazz circles tragically died yesterday.He died of a hear attack and was 58 years old. 
underrated or unheard of musician/band
Boa2 and others mention a few I would put in this category.Several of these artists most recent releases are reviewed at the Audiogon related music review website Lugs 
What stole your attention from HiFi?
John Lennon, good music, poor fidelity
One is 24 bit remastering as is the Lennon reissues. 
John Lennon, good music, poor fidelity
Herman-to start off with The Beatles,the newest remastering and disc with the best sound quality is the One compilation.This really does sound good but obviously the production is of it's time especially the earlier stuff.The tracks though do soun... 
What music would you like at your funeral?
Something from my fav. new release of 2055. 
Reviews of the year/Lugs Update/Jazz
Just another little punt up for those who've missed the update. 
Reviews of the year/Lugs Update/Jazz
Islandbear thank you for your kind comments. 
Proac 2.5's-something not quite right- ideas?
An update where I am with the speakers now a few weeks down the line.Firstly as I stated above, a little patience on my part would have been prudent because it does take a little time to take in and live with changes in your system.I believe now t... 
Is SACD a dead format?
Tbg yes it was :-)I actually don't think it's anything to do with,it's an outlook, a philosophy even.There is more to current music than the chart stuff-indeed I spend as much time discovering music from all era's as well as keeping an eye on the ... 
Is SACD a dead format?
Tbg-interesting post until you made this statement... "I have more cds, sacds, hdcds, and LPs than I could ever listen to in the remainder of my life and given the quality of new pop music, I care little whether it is ever available in hi-res." It... 
Reviews of the year/Lugs Update/Jazz
One of the final push ups. 
Is SACD a dead format?
Jayctoy-I'm not anti-SACD-I have a SACD player,the Sony NS900V.My music reviews site also has a SACD section.You are right I haven't heard a great SACD machine in detail.My Sony which cost $900 new did get decent reviews.There are plenty on here w...