
Responses from beetlemania

Thiel Owners
@andy2 Thiel Audio found a formula that sounded good to them and they pushed that vision as far as they could. No doubt they considered and listened to alternatives but first order filters became their cornerstone. Tip of the hat to them for findi... 
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement
@gareneau How long have you had your QB-9? I don’t see your posts talking about it. The Twenty is a new circuit and with different parts so I’m glad you can hear a difference.I put the Twenty upgrade at “nice” rather than “wow”. I’m really happy w... 
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement
@marktrav Approaching the 400 hour mark. I think the upgrade is settled in but someone on another forum posted that it needs 500+ hours to fully reveal its character.My initial impression is unchanged although the Twenty does sound better now than... 
Thiel Owners
@cascadesphil Nice, thanks for the information. I don't necessarily need that now but might be fun to play with at the price! 
Thiel Owners
@last_lemming My suggestion to use an iPad was not good in your case. The iPad mic is good from about 200-3k cycles but really drops off below 200, coinciding with your problem area. A better mic is called for if you want to measure in the region ... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
It's a relatively cheap tweak to try out for yourself. Just get a Jenga set at a garage sale or cut a 1x2 furring strip into 2" lengths. 
Thiel Owners
@last_lemming Do you have a way to measure SPLs, confirm your subjective impression? When I rebuilt my CS2.4 crossovers, I was able to compare the before and after frequency response using the SafeNoise app on my iPad and a tone glide. BTW, not th... 
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement
Got my Twenty upgrade back yesterday. I intend to let it burn in for a week or more before doing any critical listening but my initial impression is a cleaner, more open and unbounded sound.  
Thiel Owners
Pretty much all speaker designs are a balance of trade-offs. If there was a perfect formula then all speakers would implement that design. Sealed bass enclosures are generally considered to sound the most accurate and that is certainly what I hear... 
Thiel Owners
@sdecker My analog section is decent: Kenwood 500 (direct drive) mounted with BenzMicro ACE, tonearm wiring replaced with Cardas feeding an Ayre P-5 . . . But I almost never use it. Until this week, I hadn’t used it at all since probably last wint... 
Thiel Owners
@twoch I've done tie-dye once but fail to see how that is relevant to this thread.@tomthiel @sdecker  OK, you now have me very curious to try a baffle treatment. But my DAC is away getting an upgrade (I'm currently rediscovering my LPs), so I'll h... 
Thiel Owners
the 630V caps and far-more-expensive Mundorfs et al were simply too big for the space on the XO board The higher voltage versions, with thicker film, are reported to sound better. I didn't compare different voltages on the coax feeds but di... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks for your post, Tom.Interesting that Rob found the ESAs to sound worse. My experience was that nearly every change improved the sonics. Perhaps because I had a good coach ;^) I am considering those electronic upgrades as end of project decis... 
Thiel Owners
upgrading from a stock CS 2.4 to the CS 2.4SE model. sdecker doesn’t really have SE-equivalent. The advertised changes were swapping out 13 uF polypropylene + 1 uF polystyrene for 14 uf Clarity SA and 27 uF polypropylene + 1 uF polystyrene for 28 ... 
Thiel Owners
@sdeckerNope, I didn’t PM you. I’ve owned my 2.4s for only about two years. Tom Thiel coached me through most of my mods. I replaced every part from the binding posts to the driver hookup wire. Sounds glorious.