Responses from beernut
Speaker choice advise requested... Excellent input all, thanks. Actually, I have my .7's far enough out into the room, the issue is having to have the tv/entertainment center in between. From what I've read/heard a more conventional direct firing cone speaker might be the better ch... | |
Speaker choice advise requested... Yessir. Klipsch are a love or hate speaker it seems. The newer Heresy III seems to get very favorable reviews across the board. I live off the beaten path so live demo's are pretty much out sadly... | |
Speaker choice advise requested... Spellcheck, Maggies. I have a nice Wyred Integrated(plenty of current) and Oppo 105 disc player. Because of the dipole nature of the Maggies I'm pretty certain they aren't "blossoming" as they could in an ideal situation. In my case, it's trying t... | |
Speaker choice advise requested... On the above, I do have a sub and customs stands for the baggies that get them off the floor and vertical. I live in a studio-type apt. and space is at a premium. Therefore I have to have my entertainment center between my baggies which dilutes th... | |
Speaker choice advise requested... Thanks for the above input, duly notes. It has been suggested that "conventional" type speakers may be better suited for my listening tastes... | |
Best Cheap Amps for Magneplanar Speakers Look to Wyred integrated amps. Match well with my .7's. I've owned several pairs of Maggies over the years. I will tell you this, the more quality "power" the better the sound. This may be true with other speakers but never as much as Magnepans... | |
Magnepans I can second (third) the Wyred for Sound amps. I have a Wyred STE500 (550 w/ch into 4 ohms) and am quite pleased. It is paired with Maggie .7's which are wonderful for their modest price. Current is the key with Maggies. I was driving them with a ... | |
Request advice-need "brighter" speakers than Totem Hawks "Bright" brings to mind Klipsch. Klipsch lovers will call them "dynamic" which is ok. I've owned numerous pair over the years and liked them all to some extent. It may not be the speakers themselves as others have suggested. Placement, soon treatm... | |
Entry Level Interconnect Reccomendations Ok, shameless plug. I have anti-cable connects for sale on audio here at a fraction of the new price. Solid, good sounding and good value.Beernut | |
Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions Another consideration is the type of music you listen to. I've owned Tritons and enjoyed them. I currently have Magnepan .7's and really enjoy them, two different flavors. One brand that I have owned and always liked and respected are the PSB's. M... | |
Please help ...integrated amp under $1200 On the Rogue, get the V2. Much quieter and a beefed up phono section. No DAC. If that's important, check out the new Yamahas. Very nice sounding and very full featured. these are not the "box store" Yamahas... | |
Please help ...integrated amp under $1200 Yes, Rogue Sphinx is the best sounding integrated at that price point that I have heard. Nice phone section and power doubles at 4 ohms, well designed. You'd need to spend a lot more $$ to beat the sound IMHO. | |
Need Small Bookshelf Speakers With a Big Sound Interesting comments all. I see LS50's pop up often. I owned a pair and while I liked them to me they excelled at acoustic music and not electric, especially "classic rock". One line of speakers I always thought that had "big" sound were PSB's. Th... | |
Mellow speakers Mellow? Pretty subjective like "laid back". I always found Paradigms "mellow and or "laid back". To the point where they bored me but many listeners like them. Vandersteen's are mellow for sure and a good listen. I found most B&W speakers to b... | |
Balanced interconnects vs. Analog As I understand, both components involved are truly balanced circuits... |