Responses from bdp24
What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear Don’t think I haven’t considered that scenario Chris! The top left cube contains (amongst others) The Animals, The Band, Count Basie, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Chuck Berry, The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, T Bone Burnett, The Byrds, Johnny and Rosan... | |
What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear Exactly @slaw. If the house were burning down, and I had to choose which to save, no contest. The eq can be easily replaced, the music not. | |
Tune of the Day "Please Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends" by the divine miss Joan Osborne, one of my favorite living singers. On her excellent Pretty Little Stranger album, the song is a classic Country tune in the style heard in the 50's and 60's by the likes of... | |
What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear There's not enough available time in an average life to listen to 100,000 LP's even one time each. | |
Life After Your Magnepan’s Add a pair of OB/Dipole subs! If you have the dough, check out the MG30.7 ;-) . | |
LA - Monrovia - Brooks Berdan Anniversary this Weekend Likewise, @edcyn. I spend many hours at BBL in the 90’s and 2000’s. Sheila Berdan has done a great job with the shop since the passing of her husband Brooks. Sheila hired me to put a band together for Brooks’ 50th birthday party, at which he got u... | |
Doge 8 Clarity: 12AT7 replacement for phono stage The Schitt Mani RIAA phono amp has a "Decca" gain setting, which provides 30dB. | |
What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear Exactly teo, depends on what records are in the collection. I took a box of some duplicates I had into Music Millennium and got $400 for about 2/3 of the contents. The MM buyers know what's collectable, are honest, and pay fairly.One of my 7" 45 R... | |
Transitioning options from Big Maggies Oops, good point @ozzy62. No, no it's not. | |
Doge 8 Clarity: 12AT7 replacement for phono stage The quietest new tubes around are those tested, graded, matched into pairs and quads, and sold by RAM Tube Works. | |
Transitioning options from Big Maggies Derek, if you're not in a rush, consider waiting for the concept speaker Magnepan is working on, the "Dual Dipole". It consists of a 1' W x 6' H midrange/tweeter panel coupled with a 1' x 3' H triangular OB/Dipole sub. Each sub contains 8-6.5" dyn... | |
Transitioning options from Big Maggies hth, the Emerald Physics KCH is a great candidate for an OB/Dipole sub. If you're interested, check out the one available from Rythmik and GR Research. | |
What are you streaming tonight? @tomic601, after The Knack hit it big in 1979 with "My Sharona", everybody and his brother was moving to L.A. to get a record deal. There were so many bands in town, it was like after the British Invasion, when there was a group on every block in ... | |
Vinyl cleaning and alcohol I load the reservoir in my HW-17 with pure water for final rinsing, squirting cleaning fluid onto the LP from a handheld bottle. The VPI was the first record cleaner I found that satisfied my expectations and desires (the Nitty Gritty had failed).... | |
A change in efficiency to the final sound @lowrider57's repost of my quote has made me realize that I should clarify: when I said "the higher the speaker impedance, the lower the distortion", the distortion I was speaking of is that produced by the amplifier, not the loudspeaker. |