
Responses from basement

Cartridge or Pre Amp
Not sure what you mean by "front stage darkness". "Tube rolling" is a slang that means trying different tubes.  
Schiit Reference Sytem review: Freya into Yggdrasil, into Vidar
Interesting. I hope the controversy continues. Not because Mr. Moffit doesn't know what he is doing (notice "Mr."), but because I think here in the real technical world, I think we are being robbed of bits!Did I read records/vinyl being 12 bit? So... 
New KEF Reference 5 speakers
Just a few impressions:I can see why they can come off as bright and metallic, but my personal opinion is they are extremely detailed to the point of being unforgiving of being fed bright and metallic. Having listened to a few amps and such with t... 
Vinyl VS Digital
EJR1953:That's a valid point, however, just because something exist on a format, doesn't mean it exist or makes it to the speakers or system. For example, components that publish specs often show they can reproduce bass and treble and such, but up... 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
I don't disagree with my dissenters on business models, but I disagree with the facts. I accept the possibility I could be wrong, but it does seem to me the were selling before the announcement. Now, if they WERE sitting on the shelves and dealers... 
Pre amps cost vs. value ... what I discovered last month.
Ah, a discussion close to my heart!Couple things: firstly, I "hate" preamps. They go against all my audiophile religious sensibilities. I want transparency, detail, fidelity. Adding a component in between that really does nothing...yadda yadda. BU... 
New KEF Reference 5 speakers
Local dealer got in another pair-ref 3's I believe. Spent a little time setting them up, but then they got so into listening to them, never really finished. And they were listening to Sonos?!After being late coming home, my woman asked me what I t... 
Converting cd's to high resolution audio
I thought the best way to preserve music would be to keep/store the hard copies! No, obviously, we can't add resolution to CD's by "adding bits". But it is entirely possible that converting them to a higher resolution format makes it easier for a ... 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
Still not sure I believe all the explanations. In TYPICAL business model, I would expect to make profits as long as you can until it's no longer profitable, as opposed to get a jump on it. "In the future, we won't make profits so we are stopping n... 
Replacing Lyra Kleos at end of its life need suggestions as to what next?
You seem to be taking a sensible path. I get not wanting to spend money, just to get the same thing. After all, when we get the audiophile disease, we want to spend money to UPGRADE...lolJust to throw this out there, (I kinda said it before), but ... 
Replacing Lyra Kleos at end of its life need suggestions as to what next?
I don't think the question has been answered, but are you sure your cart is at the end of it's life? What gives you that indication? Have you had it checked? 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
Good point about the "5%'s". Sorta related, I remember last time the economy was good like this, "vintage guitars" were a thing, going up in price, and many buying driving up the price, even thinking of them as commodities, and paying money as tho... 
Replacing Lyra Kleos at end of its life need suggestions as to what next?
Just a question: does Lyra not rebuild their own carts anymore?Now, I hope I don't make anyone mad, but I recently read about a certain non-lyra rebuild of one of their carts, and it was a downgrade-not an upgrade. Part of what makes the designs i... 
Getting into Tube Equipment
Count me in as a guy who prefers the KT-88. Just sayin.  
Why is Oppo stopping products.
Pretty soon, we will be streaming ourselves and have no need for personal interaction. lol.