

Responses from baranyi

What is new with the Memory Player?
Ted, I have the same exact question. Bob 
Is the RAM Modified Esound E5 the REAL THING?
I think that there are not many people who have done this mod. I looked at the RAM website as well. I had to wonder whether it was worth putting almost $3k into this machine. Bob 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
I tried the player also. It was very rolled-off in the highs and it was not transparent at all. The one thing it does quite well is image placement within a soundstage. I think my Toshiba 3990 slaughters it. I wonder whether a few mods to the anal... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
I want to point out that both Vincent and his partner both contacted me about auditioning their player. Unfortunately, I had a sudden change of plans was not able to audition this noteworthy piece of gear. I hope to go the Rocky Mountain Audiofest... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Vinlorjazz, I happen to be in San francisco right now on a trip. Would it be possible to arrange an audition of your equipment in the next few days? Bob Aranyi 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Askat, How long before the VRS II comes out and what will the price be? You obviously have inside knowledge about the innerworkings of both the VRS and the Memory player. My question is whether the Memory Player is overpriced because it is the fir... 
Early Stealth Indras vs, later versions
thanks Norm. Bob 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Scott, I hope you live in Chicago so I can visit! Bob 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Scottr, Could you give us your thoughts on the Memory Player transport? Inquiring minds want to know! Bob 
Manati, Thanks for your thoughts. Could you give us more detail as to which CD players that you have owned or heard in which you are comparing the CD77? Could you also mention what comprises the rest of your system? 
recommend a step-up transformer for Sphinx amp
greggadd, I am having the electrician coming over today to give me an estimate. Bob 
Manati, Any further thoughts about the player? 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Bigamp, I am also a resident of the Windy City and would like to find out if this product will be available for a local audition. Bob 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Audiooracle, Thanks for your response. I have a couple of questions regrding you post starting with what is GUI? Could you elaborate on the rest of your system that you used with the Memory player? What are the better transports have you used whic... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Scottr, I would very much like to hear your impressions of this player. What are the lead times involved in ordering one. Have the abandoned the unit that includes the onboard dac? Bob