

Responses from baranyi

Bluenote stibbert vs. modified units
I finally did buy a Stibbert and the sound is as good as many on these boards have said. I was wondering what was the latest thought on power cords and replacement tubes. BobF has already given me some great tips but I was wondering what others we... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Slowhand, The podium speakers look very interesting. I am putting them on the hit list for the audiofest. Anyone else from the thread going also? I use Apogees so finding a more amplifier friendly speaker would be welcome. Bob 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
Rich, Thanks for your comments. I have been listening to the Playstation quite a bit and have been enjoying it very much. At your suggestion, I purchased the PS audio power cord and it made a nice improvement. I also used Stealth Indras between th... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Stiltskin, you have given me much to think about in your last post! Thank you so much for your thoughts. I have heard that Mick will be have the V caps as a new option on his preamps. Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Stiltskin, How much of a difference is there between your Gold pin EH and the Tungsol round plates. What other 6sn7 would be close in sound to the Tungsol? I keep reading about the Sylvania Bad boys. Are they as good? I understand that much of thi... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Which 6sn7 in the Chenin for Classical and Jazz? I have looked through he old posts and are the Tung sol round plates the favored tubes here are there others that are less costly and just as good? Bob 
Dyscoveries on Dyna, Denon, Supex, Technics,FR,Ik
Has anyone tried any of the vintage cartridges with a Well Tempered Classic? I am thinking of dusting off the war horse. Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Tuongsy, I have heard of others who have put V caps in their preamps. What differences did you hear when you made this mod. Also, how much in caps did it cost to do this? Bob 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
The Playstation is very good! I bought my third one off ebay that has a new laser and the unit seems much more dynamic. I am still looking for someone to do the simple mods to the output that I have read make a large difference. Does anyone know o... 
What is new with the Memory Player?
Has anyone else heard these players recently? Bob 
Accuphase dp90 dc91 are they still good?
Most of my gear is from the mid 90's or earlier. I have revamped Apogee Scintillas with a pair of CJ Evolution 2000 hybrid amps. I do use a modern Supratek Chenin preamp which I think is an outstanding value. My front end believe it or not is the ... 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
I will post my listening thoughts and so far I am really enjoying the player more than I thought possible. I will also buy one of the power cords mentioned. I am wondering if there is anyone who mods these things. I remember reading that a slight ... 
Anyone tried the original Playstation 1 for CD?
I must say that I had a shocking experience with the Playstation 1 yesterday. I bought a pair of the Stealth Indra interconnects for my system. I used the interconnects with Toshiba 3990 and the changes were very subtle. My two year old daughter g... 
Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?
Downunder, Thanks for the comparison. Let me ask you if you have compared the ARC REF 3 to the ART. I was wondering if you have heard any of the Supratek preamps since you are Downunder? Thanks Bob 
Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?
Shane, Which CJ Art do you have? What do you like about the ART that the ACT lacks? Bob