Responses from banquo363
Best Sounding Passive Preamp I have both the TLC-1 and the Lightspeed. The McCormack is maximally convenient and very good sounding. The Lightspeed is maximally inconvenient but practically unbeatable sounding. Both are around the same price, i.e. cheap, so there are some ver... | |
Apocalypse Now?—Technics sp10 problem s Thanks Pryso, I'll call Brooks Berdan tomorrow. I've also emailed Bill Thalmann.Lewm: nothing is loose and there's no wobble that I can detect. When the spindle housing is lifted off the motor, there is a shaft that is revealed. The top of that sh... | |
Apocalypse Now?—Technics sp10 problem s Thanks for the responses everyone. I mustered up the courage to open up the bearing well (with Lewm's help--thanks) and there doesn't seem to be anything obviously out of place. No gunk to speak of. However, the shaft that the spindle sits atop ha... | |
Apocalypse Now?—Technics sp10 problem s I wouldn't mind running it constantly, but that won't solve the underlying problem the cause of which I don't know. I don't dare mess with the electronics as my ignorance would do more harm than good.Corrosion death? Say it ain't so. | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? Both Publ57 and Fiddler argue, I think, that the live performance is not relevant to the LSA because (in Publ57’s case) the LSA connects directly only with the output of the TT/arm/cartridge/phonostage, and because (in Fiddler’s case) “We have no ... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? Banquo, where did you study philosophy?UC Irvine. For more years than I'd like to admit. | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? I'm having trouble following this debate between Knghifi and George, particularly with respect to the use of the concept of 'source'. Originally, when I read 'source' I thought it just referred to the music as found on the CD or the vinyl record. ... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? You can get them pretty cheap, but if you're concerned about sound degradation Decware makes one for $119.Thanks, Clio. I might just go ahead and get that Decware, as my wife likes to use the system to watch her Korean dramas :). The IC's look pro... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? George,When I wrote "warm up use time" I meant actually used to play music. My LSA is already always plugged in and at half position (per instructions), but I've noticed that irrespective of that, my vinyl always sounds better on the second side (... | |
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever? My LSA keeps getting better with time (I've had it less than a month), so I'm withholding final judgment until later. Definitely needs warm up use time to sound its best (the second side of a record, and beyond, always sounds better than the first... |