
Responses from baka1969

Perfect Debute Albums
Damn! Justlisten made me remember The Sex Pistols: Nevermind The Bollocks LoL 
Perfect Debute Albums
Chicago Transit Authority: Chicago Transit authorityBoston: Boston 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
Hi Ed,Let me address the headphone part of what you were mentioning. Two channel speakers and headphones do things a bit differently. That doesn't necessarily mean one is better than the other. Speakers obviously have "real" soundstaging and imagi... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
AudiofeilHi. I own and really like a good deal of the ones you've listed but IMHO have some flaws. My list isn't necessarily my list of favorite albums. It's just a list of some I considered flawless. 
Can you recommend some classical CD's for me?
I'm a big fan of Mozart's Violin Sonatas. My favorite renditions come from Deutsche Grammophon that feature Itzhak Perlman and Daniel Barenboim. It's a 4 CD set. 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
This isn't as easy a choice as you might think. I will try to list them the best I can. They might be flawless but they're not necessarily my favorites. Here's mine: Miles Davis: Kind of Blue - I believe to be the most flawless album of all time P... 
What is the standard for judging a systems sound?
I just want my system to sound a closley to what the artist's intent was on the recording. I know I can't get the sound as it was being played in the live arena or studio. I just would like the music to sound as close as possible to the music that... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"Threatened by shadows at night and exposed in the light" Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pink Floyd 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your earYou shout and no one seems to hear" - Brain Damage, Pink Floyd 
Is Kind of Blue the Best Jazz Album Ever
I believe that Kind of Blue is an album that will live eternally. It will still be as relevant 50 years from now, 150 years from now as it was 50 years ago. I think it will never age. As much as I think DSotM still holds up today I'm not sure how ... 
Any vets among the Audiophiles here?
USN 2001-2007 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
Ed,I've been using the Nordost USB as my default for some time. I figured that since I have it that it can't hurt. I use two songs to do my A/B comparisons with the Belden Gold. Pink Floyd's "Echoes" and Tool's "Third Eye". They're both long, well... 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
I appreciate what Istanbulu said. He qualified it as his experience. On a similar note I have found different interconnects and power cords soud different to varied degrees. I still have the three different USB cables with me and will do some list... 
Will a quality USB cable make a difference....
It's my money and I can spend it or not spend it. They're my ears and I hear what I hear. When I state an opinion I'll say it's my opinion. When I state a fact I'll say it's a fact that is verifiable. As I've stated earlier in this thread I have l... 
headphone amp question
Oops. I misread my own post. I did recommend the Little Dot MKIII after all. Please excuse my silliness. The MKIII is still a very valid and excellent amp.