

Responses from bacardi

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Jwpstayman, I couldnt agree with you more. Enjoy what you have and pace your upgrading, allowing the budget to increase for future upgrade. People feel a need to upgrade as soon as something new comes out. Relax and enjoy....Regards Bacardi 
need subwoofer for HTS 50 music,50 movies
I have a SVS Pb13 Ultra in a 2300cubic ft room with Paradigm Signature S2(v3's) , C3(v3), Adp 1's and it just kicks for movies. I have it set with the center port foam(15hz) filled. For music the 13.5 " woofer blends extremely well with Sig's. I w... 
what parasound 5 channel amp and Processor
I have a 2205 AT and it sounds amazing. I have an Onkyo Processor to go with it. I would go for the Parasound Halo P7 if you could find one. Amazing home theater bypass and analogue 2 channel with bass management. Regards Bacardi 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I have a full blown 5.1 Home theater system and upgrading can be extremely pricy. Definitely most with just a two channel system upgrading can be done with simple pairs of everything but as you have 5.1 or 7.1 then your wallet starts to get lighte... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Reading the forum and I agree with Sabai. I have a full home theater setup of S.R Tesla SE power cords , interconnects , speaker wire and two QLS's. All have a single/dual Galileo MPC. My wires are neatly arrayed in a sequence of direction with wi... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I need some ideas on my QLS6 & 9. They are almost full with Galileo mpc's and are raised off the carpet by Hifi Pyon cable elevators but the problen I have is the QLS pivots down towards the side the MPC's are plugged into and is not stable. D... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I'd like to hear more on the transporter too, Ted? Anybody?Regards Bacardi 
Can You See The Pancake Makeup In Your Blu-Rays?
By the Oppo BDP 95 if you like movies and 2 channel listening. If you only care about movie watching, get the 93 model for half the price($500.00). Go on the Oppo web site and see for yourself. You can't find better high end quality for the price.... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Thx Scotty333, I'm going to audition a Basik under my Oppo 95. Regards Bacardi 
One Svs or two Paradigm????
I might try that. Although it might bog for loud, deep movie watching. I was thinking of maybe a Paradigm Sub 1 or 2 used or demos. Both reviewed extremely well in both movies and music. If money is good then maybe two(lol)....Regards Bacardi 
One Svs or two Paradigm????
Irvrobinson; nothing's wrong with it. I think it would blow the doors off the Seismic 110's. Won't have the speed of the two. My initial plan was to buy a SVS SB16 when it came out but haven't heard any news on its release date or final specs. I w... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Anybody have Tranquility Base auditions, reviews or feedback? Can it be used in conjunction with a Powercell 10 SE?Can you power it with a Galileo MPC?Regards Bacardi 
Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?
Fplanner2010, my Onkyo Pro processor display shows Multichannel Direct but it won't show Audyysey. I am running analogue with Oppo 95. I guess it's not possible.Regards Bacardi 
Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?
I've tried the Hdmi but thought the Multichannel analogue sounded better. What would you suggest for Analogue pre? Someone suggested the Parasound P7 to me awhile back.Regards Bacardi 
Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?
K. Maybe I need to specify my hookup and setup. My apologies:Parasound power amp 5channel to Onkyo pre outs5.1 rcas from Oppo to Onkyo5.1 audio outs from Oppo to 5.1 multichannel ins on OnkyoHdmi 1 from Oppo(video only) to Hdmi OnkyoOnkyo displays...