

Responses from bacardi

HiDiamond Power cords...
@Fplanner2000, I have a P3 on my sub and it replaced a S.R Tesla T3(SE) and from the insertion of the P3 I literally needed to turn my output on my sub down at least 6-8 dB. The bass tightened up and felt more dynamic and fast with the P3 also. I ... 
HiDiamond Power cords...
@Fplanner2000, have your P4's fully broken in and how is your sound with them in your system and the S.R's out. Is your whole system set with HD now? 
HiDiamond Power cords...
Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to all the Hidiamond people and families and Robert Neill at Worldwide Wholesales....CHEERS:).... 
HiDiamond Power cords...
I've place it on my Hybrid Tube Integrated. Actually the P4 is so much quieter compared to the P3 rite from the getgo. I would say "Dead Quiet". The soundstage definitely broadened and deepened. I'm at about 150ish hours as I haven't been home muc... 
HiDiamond Power cords...
Anyone looking for an HD Power 3, I have one extra. Just e-mail me......HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!!!!!!!! 
HiDiamond Speaker Cables
@Joncourage, there is a used pair of HD7's on the Gon from Wig. maybe try those... 
HiDiamond Speaker Cables
I have the HD 8 speaker cable and it is pretty amazing. Incredibly solid, very thick gauge, and the rhodium locking connectors are truly high end. spectacular sounding!!!! 
HiDiamond Power cords...
@Fplanner2000; all I can say about the P4 is that it is a solidly built piece of work with the best connectors I've seen on a power cord. Very thick but still bendable. I've connected it to my tube integrated and noticed an immediate overall volum... 
HiDiamond Power cords...
@Fplanner2000, how are your immpressions of the HD power 4 compared to the Power 3? 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
@Knghifi, read Foster_9's message to you....read it well..... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
@Sabai, I agree with your post 100%. I couldn't have said it better than that... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
This is what I think and have experienced myself with S.R. Set your budget and be well prepared. Because once your start, you'll need to finnish. If you have many components you will need many. And that will empty the pocket rather quick. It all d... 
Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?
@Sabai, I think Joeyboynj is obviousely maybe one of S.R's greatest fans. He has to put down HD even though he hasn't even tried them. Wow. Very unprofessional of someone to do or say things to down a company as highly regarded as HiDiamond. I thi... 
Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth
@Joeyboynj, I am not trashing S.R at all , I am just finding out how the HD sounds without the S.R. powercell and it was restricting dynamics and a real openness to the sound with a slight compromise of soundstage. That is all . My system sounds a... 
Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth
@Knghifi, would you say that is true about S.R Powercells. They are actively shielded too?