
Responses from axeis1

Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Send it back Ryder. For what you spent on it you should be able to buy 3 Shunyata cords. I can’t remember where you’re using the first one, amp maybe?  
Constant noisy tubes maybe go solid state?
To the OP: The Best tube vendor is Andy Bowman at Vintage Tube Services. He’s been at this for 30years! He’s as honest as the day is long.  
Streamer's without built in DAC options?
Auralic Aries G1 or G2, if you don’t need WiFi, then Aurrender N10  
New here, bit confused about buying
Tammy is the BEST! She has access to all the secret info 😊 and she’s really helpful. If you feel unsure reach out to Tammy.  
Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
Chord Quetest is the Dac to beat under $2k . Add a good streamer like Auralic Aries G1 and whamo! And don’t forget some decent cables. 
High end Class D amps?
I’m very very happy with my Aestheix Mimas.  
Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.
I’m pretty sure that the OP emergeingsoul is actually Kenjit! He’s so universally ignored that he started another account to suck more unwitting victims in. 
Negotiate good price
You exemplify the low baller mentality. I'll post something on Audiogon for sale that was $4000.00  Price it for sale at $2000. half price then I get the Low Baller offers say a $1000.00 which is politely refused.. I'm sure you can guess the next ... 
Power Conditioners
I use SurgeX for all my network stuff, modem, router, NAS and a separate one for cable box, TV, sound bar.I have dedicated 20amp circuits in another room for my main system, and use a Shunyata Denali 6000S/ V.2 for everything except subwoofer whic... 
PayPal Sucks.. Be careful, new Policies
I’m the OP. There were numerous sketchy things with the Buyer and the circumstances. I worked with Audiogon Staff on the transaction, they agreed with me that it seemed flakey. Here’ a few of the red flags. I don’t ship internationally especially ... 
Bluesound installed DAC - music killer?
I have a Qutest driven by an Auralic G1.. Sounds great. I use Audience Front Row USB.  
PayPal Sucks.. Be careful, new Policies
I got it back after the fact since I bitched pretty hard about it. The issue for me is that I was short $47.00 they could have just taken That amount from my bank, or my PayPal Credit account, rather than take all the money. I asked the PayPal gal... 
Shipping. Hard Lesson.
UPS sucks. I had a very high end Motorcycle Helmet double boxed in factory packaging and UPS cracked the fiberglass /carbon fiber/ composite shell. They tried to weasel out of paying the insurance. I had to take damaged helmet to regional office a... 
My Boston Acoustics Radio stopped working
I’m Very happy with my iPhone. It tells time , it has an alarm, and plays music! 
purchasing US made speakers