
Responses from axeis1

Why are Ayon tube amps not mentioned very often?
I owned a Ayon Spirit mk3 great amp. That was about 5 years ago. Life threw me some curves and I recently put together a new system based around an Aestheix Mimas. Very very happy; tube front end and solid state output. It’s a real keeper! Don’t s... 
Isoacoustics don’t seem to work for me, help
Put the original ProAc / Track spikes back and I’m happy. At least I can recoup most of my $$ and put that towards my Hugo TT2 fund. 
Isoacoustics don’t seem to work for me, help
@ebm   Yup they are for sale..I tried again with the ISO spike cups no good.  
Low gain dac!
Buy a Chord Qutest, it has three selectable output levels. 1v, 2v, 3v 
Surge protectors and power conditioners - Good idea or bad?
Blah, Blah, Blah.... Big Storm: Unplug your Stuff.. problem solved. 
The Exogal saga continued....
I’ve been in sales most of my life. There are always people who are just unhappy Mofo’s . These folks will always find something to bitch about. I’ve had to deal with a few on Audiogon and elsewhere. I’ve bent over backwards to make these people h... 
D’Agostino Progression integrated vs Gryphon Diablo 300
Pointless thread. 
Re-terminate speaker cables
Always amazed at the lame advise given. Pick up the phone call AQ and send them in. Keep in mind AQ are in Cali.. or since you are a rookie DIY and foul them up and lose money.  
Looking for my Final Pair!!
ProAc K6 signatures, Raidho, Dynaudio Confidence 60, Maggie’s  
Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs?
I use ProAc D20R with a REL S/510 Room is 15x21 I have no issues with filling the room with music. I was considering ProAc D2R but with stands but the foot print is the same as the D20R’s 
Opinions wanted: 10-30K Speakers for Jazz/Folk
ProAc K3 or K6 signatures, they don’t need a ton of power but they will reward good power.  
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Kansas a few years ago. Came out played about 35 minutes and then just left. Plus they sucked 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Is this the same as a cloned Rolex? 
Embarrassed....Audio furniture help
I guess I'm lucky my wife simply doesn't care. As long as it isn't a mess she's completely oblivious.  
My ears are ready to retire!
I'd also recommend the Naim.. Uniti Nova.. and good speakers, all you'll need.