Responses from autospec
Some new E-bay scams zavato: That tracking number thing will bite us in the back side.....I spent over a hour today with pay-pal over the same thing and they keep denying my 941.00 claim..........Now they want me to go to the post office and get a statement from them... | |
Some new E-bay scams Pay pal has denied my claim , so I have lost 941.00 because a scammer was able to create a false tracking number..........And the post office even told them it was fake , but they denied it anyway.....So be aware of low feed-back sellers on ebay ... | |
Some new E-bay scams Well I had my 7th phone call to pay-pal this morning for no answers and nothing done...Each phone call takes about 1 to 2 hours and you pretty much get the same answers (we are working on it) and they generally add 3-5 days on to the resolution pe... | |
Some new E-bay scams Its hard to be leave that only three people understand what this is all about, but when a seller can make tracking numbers and it shows the item was delivered it is hard to prove your case.....I have been on the phone with pay-pal four times this ... | |
Some new E-bay scams Ebay has closed my request for refund because I filed a claim with Pay-Pal.....What a absolute mess and of course I'm still out 900.00......Who says the crook don't win ?? The working class doesn't win .....I have been trying to get my money for... | |
Some new E-bay scams I have decided to try and file a pay-pal claim, and see if pay-pay can help me on this....Pay-pal has always been good about that, but this tracking claim of delivery could mess that up.......Ebay used to be so good about these things, but nobody ... | |
Some new E-bay scams Well its been a interesting day, ebay has decided they need more time and are not able to refund my 900.00 plus dollars, I have to wonder how they can pull that off ?? Its been over a month and they can't figure it out, the fact that the shippin... | |
Some new E-bay scams Of course the crooks and scam artists are winning....They pay no penalty , everybody has "Rights" except the working class.....They close them down and they change there name and they are up and running in two days......I can pick out two or three... | |
Some new E-bay scams carlsbad: I am buying Audio Research and Dynaco, and I have had the problem with Audio Research only.... | |
Some new E-bay scams What people are not getting is these sellers are able to hack into the tracking system and show "package delivered" and when that happens the buyer cannot access some of the normal ways of recourse.......I buyer no less than 10 items a week on e-b... | |
EBAY MONEY BACK.......WHAT A JOKE ??? I felt this was a open forum, but maybe its a Audiogon only forum....It could be my mistake.......I have made a few......Anytime I've had this kind of problem on Audiogon (getting a refund) I've had to go straight to pay-pal to get help......That'... | |
Reverb, what a joke GREAT DAY.....REVERB PAID 9-18-22.............W | |
Reverb, what a joke You are correct that pay-pal will take care of business when nobody else will, but In the future I need to stay away from Reverb like a bad habit...........W | |
Reverb, what a joke Today I have sent my 19th email to the crooks at Reverb and still nothing.......They ask yesterday if it was OK to send the money....Why would anybody ask such a question ??? That's what is is all about...........W | |
Reverb, what a joke Sir: If they suspend your account that could be a blessing........My seller sent me a email tonight and ask if its ok to send the money, I have been trying to get the money from the beginning and nobody has sent the first "nickle"....I ask for ... |