

Responses from audiotroy

Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?
we have heard them at many shows and they always sound way too mechanical and lack musicality   part of the issue is aluminum rings monotonically it has great stiffness and rigidity however aluminum rings badly we did have a similar issue with ... 
Music server recommendations needed.
Mr. Prentice you have forgotten one  the greatest advantages of building a ripped library: most people are visual and by seeing a library you are reminded about  the artists you like. so with a great server you have access to your existing cd li... 
Music server recommendations needed.
Look at a 432evo Aeon highest performance server out there for the money, we have found.   very advanced design separate low noise cpu, of its own electrically isolated motherboard, electrically isolated clock board and usb card, two external sb... 
Integrated Tube Amp approx. $2,500
We sell line magnetic they have a great sounding 100watt integrated for 5k we have a demo for way less they have USservice and support great features and built.like a tank   Dave and Troy  Audio intellect nj Line magnetic dealer    
Clipping with Separates with change of Power Conditioner[?]
we have tested most of the major power conditioners   if you want a power conditioner  which can enhance and protect look at isotek   you will improve the sound of every component plugged into it the aquarius and sigma are going to produce ver... 
new member, some questions, need help please
jayctoy yes in some cases.   I owned wilson wp 3 and fives when I opened my shop We brought in usher and dali loudspeakers these models were way less expensive and outperformed the older wilsons   at axponna the alta audio adam at 20k sounded... 
new member, some questions, need help please
Age would be a factor as Wilson's are known to have issuwith surrounds degrading over time however newer loudspeakers will outperform them   Focal aria legacy and atc will sound better   
Sound insulation advice for home theater room in middle of the house?
We designed and sound proofed rev runs home theater for the show rev runs renovation Season 2 Secreat cinema Most sound proofing doesn’t work as it won’t block bass frequencies so you need a solution with mass. Only mass can block bass. WE came... 
Separates vs Integrated
  jsalerno277   the older Krell gear is not as good as the newer gear I used to work at a Burmeister dealer great gear but its signature could be too cool for some listeners the key is synergy and if your speakers were too warm warm the the Bur... 
Separates vs Integrated
We are Kell and Coda dealers you have a great amp and preamp the issue we would have is the Coda preamp is a little too neutral we would recommend looking at either upgrading the coda to a tube preamp or upgrading your streamer the Lunin is very g... 
Looking to upgrade my Goldenear Triton ones. Need help
We were a golden ear dealer we had trouble selling them vs the legacy line    The legacy signatures and focus sounded better with an increased soundstage deeper bass and more dynamic slam   Dave abd Troy AUDIO INTELLECT NJ FORMER GOLDEN EAR ... 
Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker
op at 3k or below that is worth however we have rebuilt wp and you will need to re-foam or replace the four woofers and will probably need to purchase new diffraction foam from Wilson so you will need to spend a decent amount of time and money to ... 
Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker
Ozzy typo from 5k to 9k  
Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver
Woofer size is meaningless a 5 inch woofer in a transmission line will outperform a much larger woofer in a conventional cabinet  So design is more important then size of driver    If you want great low bass from a compact loudspeaker look at a... 
Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker
i owned both the Wp threes and fives great loudspeakers in their day however a new loudspeaker  from 56k to 9k will outperform them