
Responses from audiotroy

Métronome connecting streamer to Le Dac?
why dont you try a Wireworld starlight hdmi?  their cables are extremely well made   
Furman IT Reference 20i PC price differences
personally wouldn't recommend Furman there are way better units look At Isotek Dave and Troy audio Intellect NJ Isotek dealers  
SHIPPING speakers?
shipping costs when palleted are in that range there are independent freight shipping services that do competitive quotes  
Krell Resolution 1 parts
we sold krell for many years    i do believe they used scanspeak drivers  
It runs warm very musical open and airy sounding great midrange warmth it drives any loudspeaker and is always engaging  
Solid state amp that tube fan can be happy with?
we sel a few solid state amplifiers that would sound tube like   Coda  Unison research  Electrocompaniet Dave and Troy Audio Intellect NJ  
Is the Lyrion Music Server (formerly Logitech) any good for the not-computer-savvy
OP the 432evo sounds fantastic running Roon, and the only reason to run logitech is not wanting to spend 30 a month for roon or paying for the one-time lifetime payment. The operating interface/user experience on roon is in a class by itself, so... 
speaker upgrade fever
We are a kef dealer with loads of experience with themthe legacys are warmer and have similar clarity and sound staging the signatures will floor you 10k new in choice of finish   Dave and Troy AUDIO INTELLECT NJ Kef and legacys dealer   
Preamp for my CODA 5.5 amp
we are loving the new nad m66 fully balanced,superb streamer, dirac room correction. we are using this preamp with our coda amplifiers   h... 
Where do I go from here?
op you have some good components here is what we would recommend   sell the mac preamplifier and move to a newer higher resolution design  look at  the nad m66 which allows  you to ditch the Eversolo as well and you gain Dirac room correction. ... 
Where to find Cabasse Muranos?
We are a Cabasse dealer we an get them for you     Dave and Troy Audio Intellect NJ Cabasse dealer      
Coda 16 or Pass Labs x350.8 with Magnepan 20.7
We are a Coda dealer, we had a client with  a pair of pass mono blocks and he demoed the 16 and we were  both impressed with the coda which had a bit greater clarity m superior bass control ,and a well defined soundstage.   Dave and Troy Audio ... 
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?
guys the misinformation here is staggering we are an nad dealer THE M33 DIGITIZES EVERY ANALOG SIGNAL INORDER TO BE ABLE TO USE Dirac   The amplifier type and design has nothing to do with it  Dave and Troy Audio Intellect NJ Nad Masters Deal... 
Streamer + DAC help: Bluesound vs Eversolo (vs Others)
we sell a few great dac/streamers    We sell Bricast,  Atoll, Naim teac, esoteric,and Nad. It all comes down to which features are important to you: Is a headphone amp important? Is a true preamp important? or is volume sufficient or desirabl... 
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric
eudisiam woefully inaccurate is a car a car? so by your reasoning  a Ferrarri and a pinto are the same a 1200 Marantz vs a 10k esoteric you are going to hear a considerable difference as long as your system has good resolution.   why? superior ...