
Responses from audiokinesis

Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Erik wrote: " We shouldn’t spot treat surfaces. We should treat the surface. That is, putting 2’x2’ panels in exactly the side, rear and even floor reflection points is practically useless. What does work is to treat the floor, side and rear. " So... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Hsw wrote:  " Is this discussion only limited to lateral reflections? It seems to me the floor is the largest first reflection. " The floor bounce usually is the strongest early reflection, but perceptually is is not as detrimental as its magnitu... 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
Erik wrote: " Which I agree with, but is subtly, different than what I am arguing about. :)" I guess I missed that subtlty. Could you rephrase it? Pretend like I’m really dense... or don’t pretend, as the case may be...  ;^)Thanks.Duke 
Does the first reflection point actually matter??
@erik_squires wrote: " For the purposes of this argument, alone, I want to argue that first reflection points don’t matter, ever." Early lateral reflections contribute to spaciousness and expand the "apparent source width", according to Floyd Tool... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
I’ve waited three days for @sounds_real_audio to clarify his post above, and I think that’s long enough. So I’m going to reply to some of the things he said: “The "swarm" is actually an old term that was used to convince music lovers who were not ... 
Just spoke to an old client of mine..........Avantgarde owner
Mr. D, ime the audible discontinuities you describe in hybrid speakers can have several different causes. Among them are: 1. If the angular spacing between the drivers is large, and in particular large relative to the wavelengths (which can happen... 
Subwoofers masking other frequencies.
Needfreestuff, I understand and appreciate that your intention is to help, not to argue.  So is mine!  And in an ideal situation I'd agree with you that it makes sense to have mains and subs in-phase in the crossover region.   In audiomaze's situa... 
Subwoofers masking other frequencies.
While it's true that you'll get the loudest sound in the crossover region when the sub is "in phase" with the main speakers, that may not be what sounds best.  IF one of the issues is too much contribution from the sub in and above the crossover r... 
Automatic Room Correction has won the Subwoofer Wars
Dannad wrote: " Does ARC do this? I don’t know, but it is certainly possible. " I would be surprised if automated room correction algorithms are that sophisticated. But perhaps they are... I must admit that my knowledge of the topic is apparently ... 
Automatic Room Correction has won the Subwoofer Wars
Dannad wrote: " ARC can detect accurately speaker distance based on first time of arrival and based on timing could differentiate between direct and reflected." It depends on the wavelengths and reflection path lengths. In order to get good direct... 
Automatic Room Correction has won the Subwoofer Wars
Imo room correction works great in the subwoofer region, but not so much further up the spectrum. This is because the microphone picks up the reflections along with the direct sound, and does not differentiate between them. That’s fine at very low... 
Subwoofers masking other frequencies.
You're welcome, audiomaze.  Duke 
Subwoofers masking other frequencies.
 The phase knob mostly affects the blend between subs and mains.  When it SOUNDS right, it IS right.  There are too many variables to predict in advance what the "right" setting will be, but in the end what matters is how it sounds.  Don't be afra... 
Subwoofers masking other frequencies.
My initial guess is that it's an integration issue, and that the subs are contributing too much energy a bit north of the subwoofer region.   Make sure you aren't using the LFE inputs, unless you are using a home theater processor.  And even then,... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
@sounds_real_audio wrote: "The " swarm" is actually an old term..." Really? I am not aware of the term "Swarm" being an "old term", as you claim. I began using it in 2006 as the name for my four-piece distributed multi-sub system. Were others usi...