
Responses from audiogon_bill

The Hub: News, events, gossip: Come the REVOLUTION
Keene: Totally, dude!Having started as a campus rep for several wholesalers nearly 40 (!!) years ago, I think the time is right for something similar to return. Granted, many manufacturers have more tightly-controlled sales networks these days, wh... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Mac: Ah jeez, if you're thanking me for helping in a fool's errand, that makes me...what, exactly?6550: Weird, ain't it?Nil: One of the major points I made in past entries was that there ARE no numbers to work with. High end audio is defined large... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
6550: I wonder sometimes if the difficulty of actually seeing gear isn't part of what attracts some to the cult. Doesn't make much sense, but still....Rok: I think there will always be tweakers, and I think people will always want music available ... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Bark: Never really understood the basis for the arrogance. If exclusivity creates power, wouldn't inclusion--and taking folks' money--create more? And way to go, dealer,for bad-mouthing what you sell while simultaneously dissing the prospect. Had ... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Mac: oddly enough, the virtual world has created a bonanza for DIY stuff. Surprised we haven't seen more mainstream audio DIY products geared to the audience of MAKE, Wired, and so on.When I was a teen, the most-expensive Ferrari was a Daytona Spi... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Mac: agreed, the strong survive. Those brands that are doing best right now are those that have carefully developed a strong, well-controlled dealer network over decades. Audio Research, McIntosh, Magnepan and many others are doing well.Wasn't try... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Ballan, Map: Thanks. We were always going to get to the good stuff. We just shouldn't have presented everything sequentially, with the good news at the end. 'pines: Different models have different features and pluses, same as any other product. Ca... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Mac: I'd have to say that 2-channel was in decline before the arrival of HT, not due to it. HT revived a lot of dealerships, which subsequently declined when the expense of custom HT could no longer be folded into home equity lines following the c... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Mac: I remember visiting a few of those car dealers in the middle of nowhere. They were patient and kind to a car-crazy teen, just as the audio dealers gave me access to gear I could never afford. I'm afraid those days are largely gone: hard to im... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Spring: That's an interesting take on the situation. I can't decide if it's optimistic or pessimistic!Mac: If I hadn't heard a zillion stories just like yours, I'd be tempted to think you were a disgruntled crackpot. It saddens me that so many hav... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Map: Rock on, dude. It'd be nice if some wealthy soul endowed a research institute to address the mysteries of sound reproduction...but I'm not holding my breath.They Call Me Tater Salad: I wish Brooks well, whatever the reason for his expansion. ... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Mac: Ouch! How DARE you call us a cult?? See if we ever update you on the latest secret handshakes or passwords again!I guess when you get right down to it, I'm not part of the cult. I hate gear I have to fuss over or diddle with. I want it to wor... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Grant: Agreed. I don't know more passionate, committed folks than those in audio. Yes, there are some bad apples; generally, they are found out and weeded out.The recent resurgence of regional shows indicates that there is still interest and life ... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Mac: Who'd have thought of getting upside-down in an amplifier?Jeff: If it wasn't caused by the economy, it certainly affected the economy, with 19,000 jobs lost.Ferrari: RMAF this year will have more exhibitors than ever, and manufacturers don't ... 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Macro: Certainly, reality has a way of messing up our plans. There is truth in your point that "the stereo biz" is a product of baby boomers (or even earlier generations), and is indeed aging and dying off. Ironically, the general availability of ...