
Responses from audiogon_bill

The Hub: No moving parts? No problem!
Great idea. There's the Pavek Museum of Broadcasting, near Minneapolis, but I have no idea what kind of displays they have.I think we need something on the order of a kid's science museum, hands-on. In fact, it might be a nice adjunct to one of th... 
The Hub: No moving parts? No problem!
Good point. To the best of my knowledge, the EV unit was built by DuKane. I could be wrong. 
The Hub: Refrigerators that can really sing
Good die young? Nah; I've made it to 53.Oh, wait: maybe that means I'm not as good as I thought!Thanks for your kind comments. I hope you'll continue to read and enjoy The Hub. 
The Hub: Refrigerators that can really sing
Thanks for the kind words. We'll have more histories of significant products, but we will be looking to the future, as well. 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
It's interesting to note that Dick Sequerra uses EL34 outputs in his megabuck amps, and no less an authority than John Curl has said that Sequerra's amps can do things his own designs cannot.That's saying a LOT.Thanks for all the interesting comme... 
The Hub: Refrigerators that can really sing
Huh. Now that you mention it, that'd be a GREAT topic to write about! Thanks for the inspiration!!...Just kidding: although as I've said, in audio, EVERYTHING matters. Wouldn't surprise me if LEDs in refrigerator displays threw hash into the power... 
The Hub: Big speakers with lots of Drivers?
Always glad to hear from contrarians, even when giving me hell!I won't comment on your first paragraph except to say you may be right. You may also be wrong. I suspect, however, if I were to make similarly sexist comments about women, you'd be gri... 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
Saul Marantz was not known for effusive praise, but he supposedly once said of Sid Smith, "He's a genius."I tend to agree. It's a shame that there's no written text by Smith describing the reasoning behind the types of design elements you mention.... 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
Thanks for the details; I was probably a little harsh in my comments on build-quality. As you mentioned, the Marantz gear was better-built than most.Still, by today's standards, they look a little home-spun.Having said that: these amps were not ju... 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
Yup. Bob Grodinsky certainly got around, and didn't Ed Miller later start GAS with Jim Bongiorno? Can't verify that.Someday I intend to make family-tree charts of US high end companies, just as CREEM magazine used to do for rock bands. It's astoni... 
The Hub: The most influential amp ever?
Hey, Al--thanks for the stories.I once had a mono system (story to follow, someday) with a 1 and a 2. In some ways, I've never heard anything since as sweet and effortless. Sigh. I haven't seen any 2s since then, and that was in the late '80's. Ob... 
The Hub: Lenco revival fueled by AudiogoN members
Thanks for all the responses.Musicfile, the entry has a link to Lenco Heaven in paragraph 8, "enthusiast site". 
The Hub: Big speakers with lots of Drivers?
Guys, thanks as always for your comments.Viridian, if you'll take a look at the end of the second-to-last paragraph, you'll see that I posted a link to that Stereophile article.Klipsch and Altec will show up, soon enough. I only wish I still had t... 
The Hub: TidBits from RMAF 2009: Part TWO
You know what they say about opinions: everybody's got one.Rarely do I hear a group of audiophiles agree on ANYTHING, whether it's sound quality, or where to go to lunch! 
The Hub: TidBits from RMAF 2009: Part TWO
Thanks, gents. I'm always happy to be impressed by someone ELSE's expenditure! But then, my priorities have always been in the right place: when I had tri-amped Tympanis, I drove a $200 FIAT.Yes, audiophilia nervosa is a sickness!